Subj : Re: CHIP SHORTAGE To : Bucko From : Weatherman Date : Sun Aug 28 2022 09:41 am B> I was more into cars then anything, as my career revolved around it, I got B> a job right out of high school working in a dealer parts dept and 2 years B> later took over the department. Been doing it now for 40 years! Between B> cars, women and booze, that was my life then. For a 17 year old kid making B> 30g a year I had to spend it on something.. LOL When I took over the joint B> another 15g did the trick a 19 year old in 1982 making that kind of money B> was unheard of in my area. So I spent it on cars more so then anything B> else. If I knew then what I know now, I would have had 1 car, put the B> money away and banked all of it! Very similar to me, except I went directly into IT/tech at 17 years old. Same situtation, was making more than anyone I knew at that age. Half were doing minimum wage jobs and the other half went to college and got into debt. I was not about to do either of those things. I was only interested in trades that could end up being a career making decent money. Since my top skill is tech, that is what I wanted to do however there are plenty of other trades that I was interested in. Yes, I should have started investing earlier. Then again when you have divorces, that can screw up your financial plans for a bit. If I had a place to store vehicles, it would be dangerous. I could see myself getting one per year. All types of them, too. I really like the old cars from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and even 80s. That was about it. After that, the quality went to crap in most of them. I also like old trucks, and would have to throw at least one military truck in my collection. This is why it would be dangerous if I had a farm or lots of land with a large barn. - Mark :.: Weather Station BBS ú telnet:// :.: :.: ú Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.: ÿÿÿÿÿÿ --- WWIVToss v.1.52 * Origin: * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0) .