Subj : Re: Library access To : Bob Worm #81 From : Weatherman Date : Sat Mar 23 2024 12:51 pm BW> I don't think we had anything so forward thinking in the UK. When we did BW> get Internet access in libraries it was a case of turning up in person, BW> usually to a pre-booked appointment, to use it for an hour. I can't say I BW> ever did it because we had Internet at home by then. I don't recall the timelines, but while I was growing up is was all about BBSing. Lots of different types of computers and many online via modems. The first ways for some of us to get on the Internet, was PPP dialup. That lasted years before the "always on" types of connectivity started. For me, that first always on connection was a cable modem. I moved my BBS to telnet on the cable modem shortly after that was possible to save money and get much higher speeds. These days it still depends on where you live as to the connectivity options. The very rural areas are mostly cellular or cable modems in the best case. My area was lucky enough to have a fiber Internet option years ago, which is what I use. I was able to get decent pricing on it about 4 or so years ago at $79.99 month for 1Gbps/1Gbps. For areas that don't have options, some really take advantage of the situation like having bandwidth caps, etc. That type of thing really drives me crazy. We never had that locally here, but some others are not as lucky. I made it a point to download a ton the last month on my cable modem before going to fiber as my parting gift. - Mark :.: Weather Station BBS ú telnet:// :.: :.: ú Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.: ÿÿÿÿÿÿ --- WWIVToss v.1.52 * Origin: * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0) .