Subj : WWiVNews: Archive 8 To : All From : paulie420 Date : Sat Feb 13 2021 07:55 am -----wwiv9201.txt ±±±Ü ±±±Ü ±±±Ü ±±±Ü ±±±±Ü ±±Ü ±±Ü ±±Û ±±Ûß ±±Û ±±Ûß ±±Ûß ±±Û ±±Ûß ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Ûß ±±Û ±±Ü ±±Û ±±Û ±±Ü ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Ûß ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Ûß ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±±±Ûß ±±±±±±±±±±Û ±±±±±±±±±±Û ±±±±Û ±±Ûß ßßßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßß ßßßß ßß ±±±±±Ü±±Ü ±±±±±±Ü ±±Ü ±±Ü ±±±±±±Ü ±±Û±±Û±±Û ±±Ûßßßß ±±Û±±Ü±±Û ±±Ûßßßß ±±±±±±Ü ±±Û±±Û±±Û ±±±±Ü ±±Û±±Û±±Û ±±±±±±Ü ±±±±±±Ü ßßßßßß ±±Û±±Û±±Û ±±Ûßß ±±Û±±Û±±Û ßßß±±Û ßßßßßß ±±Û±±±±±Û ±±±±±±Ü ±±±±±±±±Û ±±±±±±Û ßß ßßßßß ßßßßßß ßßßßßßßß ßßßßßß Volume 2, Issue 1 January 1992 Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WWFNET Review................................................Quantum 1@6300 Wayne Mail!......................................................Random 1 @1Multi-Line WWIV Mailing List............................East Bay Ray 1@9964 The Editor's Corner.....................................East Bay Ray 1@9964 Latest Versions..............................................WWIVNEWS Staff Acknowledgements.............................................WWIVNEWS Staff =============================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------- WWFNET - Utilities to send/receive/request files through WWIVnet ---------------------------------------------------------------- For a few months I've been working on a set of utilities to allow SysOps to send files to each other via WWIVnet. Although rampant use of such a tool would be frowned upon, there are some situations where it may be very welcome. I decided to take it on because it of the local environment that my BBS is a part of. There are three BBS's, nodes @6300, @5804, and @6301 in this area that are run by myself (#1@6300/#1@5804), and Malbee (#1@6301). @6300 and @6301 are not in the same local dialing area, thus direct file transfers can be costly. @5804 is in the local dialing area of each of them, so by passing data through it, no additional costs are incurred. @6301- - - - - - - tollcall- - - - - - - - @6300 \ Not Connected via WWIVnet / \ / \ / \ / local call local call Connected via WWIVnet Connected via WWIVnet \ / \ / \ / \ / @5804 This being understood, I thought, "wouldn't it be neat if there were a utility to make it easy for Malbee and I to send files to each other, through WWIVnet?" It would have to be simple to install, user friendly, and generally wonderful. So,.. I wrote WWFNET Hopefully, this goal has been fully accomplished. I'll leave that decision up to you, the potential user. It's been through several beta versions, with a small group of SysOps testing it (not that I didn't welcome a larger group, it just worked out that way). I think most of the bugs have been squashed and it does actually work. As of this writing, it's available as version 2.1 in a ZIP archive named WWFNET21.ZIP. WWFNET runs as a chain and as part of the nightly event. Not only can files be sent from one BBS to another, but one BBS can send a "request" to another BBS, asking it to send a certain file back. Files to be sent can also be queued to be sent late at night, when BBS activity is lower. When a file is sent to another BBS's, an email message is also sent, notifying the other SysOp of it's arrival. It consists of a few programs, a config file, some user modifiable batch files, and a "WWIVlike" menu file that is also alterable. The documentaion gives installation instructions and a sample configuration file. It uses the EXTERNAL.NET feaures of WWIVnet, does not use any message bases and the file size is unlimited. It's a shareware product, but I'm not very greedy so anything is negotiable. In any event, I'll answer any questions people may have about it, even if they don't send me money, gifts, and material things. Afterall, this is a hobby. Use of WWFNET should be restricted to clusters of BBS's where all SysOps in a connect path are willing to pass such traffic. Because files tend to be larger than email/post messages, this policy is fair to the other SysOps in the net. I imagine that a SysOp would get quite annoyed if his/her BBS were passing this type of traffic without knowing about it. Especially if it was costing him/her money. It's available on my BBS, in the 'NEW-UPLOADS' file area, named "WWFNET21.ZIP" Enjoy, ==Info=Rail== @6300 Snarfable (603)382-3966 3-9600 HST ____ __ _ | 0|___||. (_)uantum _| _| : : } ` -(O)-==-o\ 73's KA1YLG ==Info=Rail== =============================================================================== To all WWIVnet sysops: (Thu Dec 19 18:08:56 1991) Random #1 @1Thu Dec 19 18:08:56 1991 RE: WWIVnet Hello, Before the horrible rumors start in too much, I thought I'd let everyone know what is going on. First, the GCs and ACs are going to be adding WWIV reg nums into the bbslist files. So, when convenient, please send mail to your AC/GC giving your WWIV reg num. There is really no great hurry about this, anytime in the next month or so will do. However, do not expect to see your reg # actually appear in your bbslist file, as net27 and earlier will throw away reg #'s in partial BBSlist updates. Which means, yes, net28 will be out in the next month or so. Also, I expect WWIV v4.21 to be out in the first quarter next year. What's new in net28: network3 analysis is speeded up by about a factor of three. The net software will route messages through servers more than it did in the past. Reg #'s in the bbslist files will be correctly handled (instead of ignored, as they are now). Storage type 2 has been expanded to support >1MB files. Currently, if any .DAT file in your MSGS directory goes over 1MB, it's going to at least lose messages, maybe trash some of them. net28 will store them in an expanded (but compatible) format. WWIV v4.21 will correctly support these files also. v4.20 and earlier won't correctly read the new expanded format (but they won't read any >1MB storage type 2 file anyway, so nothing's lost). net28 supports short response messages (so-and-so read your mail on messages). WWIV v4.21 sends these out over the net (previous versions don't). So, if you notice in your netdat*.log files that the net software threw away a type 15 message from me, that was it; don't worry about it. Net28 will correctly receive those. As some of you may have heard, the Link people recently had a bunch of systems trashed by a badly formatted message. net28 fixes the bug that caused that. v4.21 new features (so far) include: Support for >1MB storage type 2 files and the short response messages sent over the net. Completely re-done interrupt handling. A few people have been having problems with SCSI adapters trying to use the same interrupts as WWIV, and it didn't work. v4.21 uses only one interrupt vector (v4.20 used three), and in v4.21, the interrupt is dynamically selected from unused vectors (instead of being hard-coded values). It will allow you to forward mail (from the mail read prompt) over the network. The list of disallowed device filenames (CON, PRN, etc) is gotten from the system device table, for more protection. Also, .ARC files are scanned for invalid filenames in addition to .ZIP files (NOTE: if anyone has the format for other archive types [ARJ, LZH, etc], please send me some structures or code to list the filenames in them, and I'll have v4.21 check those too). Batch uploading with Ymodem-G is fixed. Lots of little bugs and oversights were fixed. If you get a lot of junk mail from someone, you can hit 'P' from the mail read prompt and purge all mail waiting from that user. You can uedit search for a realname. I'm also working on Bimodem. But, the part you probably really wanted to know about: Yes, to be in WWIVnet in the future, you will have to have registered WWIV. Also, in order to use the net software (net28 or later) in other networks, you will have to have registered WWIV. The file in net28 is basically: /****************************************************************************/ Up until now, the WWIVnet software has been distributed freely to everyone. Starting with net28, the net software is distributed much like the WWIV software itself. NOTE: If you have already registered WWIV and have a WWIV registration number, read no further. You can continue using the WWIVnet software as you have before. This change affects only people who have NOT registered WWIV. The WWIV and WWIVnet software is distributed as shareware, which means (in this case) that you can use the WWIV and WWIVnet software for up to two months before deciding whether or not to register WWIV. If, at the end of the two month period, you decide to register WWIV, please see the '' file in the WWIV .ZIP file for information on how to register. If at the end of two months you decide NOT to register WWIV (and hence not use WWIV software for your BBS), you must stop using the WWIV and WWIVnet software. If/when you register WWIV (and receive a WWIV registration number), you have also registered the WWIVnet software, and may use the WWIV and WWIVnet software on your system as you wish -- as a standalone BBS, in WWIVnet, or in a private network. If you are running a BBS that is in no way based on WWIV software, but that uses the WWIVnet software, then a similar registration procedure applies. You can use the WWIVnet software for a two month trial period. If you decide to continue using the WWIVnet software after the two month trial period, then you must register the WWIVnet software for $20. If you do not register the WWIVnet software at the end of the two month trial period, you must stop using the WWIVnet software. Thus, there are two ways you can legally continue to use the WWIVnet software after the two month trial period. Either register WWIV, or (if you are running BBS software that is in no way based on WWIV software), register the WWIVnet software for $20. If you are using BBS software that is in no way based on WWIV software, and wish to use the WWIVnet software, please use the form 'netreg.frm' to register the WWIVnet software. /****************************************************************************/ And no, net servers (REAL, DEDICATED net servers) will not have to have a reg number, and @6xx pseudo-nodes will not have to have separate reg #'s. It's going to take a while for me to get organized to handle all this, so the registration requirement isn't going to actually take effect very soon. When it does actualy take effect (probably in 1-2 months), the two month countdown will start then. So, if you aren't currently registered, you have about 3-4 months to do so. $F4 1 @1============================================================================== = Multi-Line WWIV Mailing List by East Bay Ray 1@9964 It seems like every day that some new sysop comes up and asks either a) where he can get a multi-line version of WWIV, or where he can find a mod that will convert WWIV to multiline. Well, to put it bluntly: THERE CURRENTLY EXISTS NO MULTI-LINE WWIV, MOD OR PROGRAM. However, many many people would like such a program. I have already started on the creation of my own multi-line WWIV. I posted the first of the routines (none of which were complicated at all, or really accomplished anything major) on the WWIV Modification Net. This mailing list will be much like a networked subboard. Every time the mail pouch gets full here, with suggestions, or source code, or whatever, I will send a piece of mail to everyone on the list with the newsletter. Don't worry, the e-mail is sent in the same fashion as posts are: all destination systems in a single network message packet. When you feel you have something to respond to, or just some input into the newsletter, [A]uto-Reply to the newsletter and your input will be placed into the next version of the newsletter. I understand that the first couple of releases will be a bit dry of input barring mine, but after that, I think it will be a great success. What does all this accomplish? Well, if you are not a C programmer, then basically you input ideas into the project. You say what features would be nice in a multi-line WWIV, such as multi-line chat, several lines being able to receive WWIVnet calls at the same time (good for servers!), etc., etc. If you are a C programmer, then you are encouraged to contribute code to the project. I will be working dilligently on modifying the current v4.20e source code to be multi-line. And you will have played a part in its creation! E-mail WWIVSERV@9964 if you wish to join this mailing list. The title doesn't matter, but the first line of the message should read: SUBSCRIBE 1 (of course, all other WWIVSERV commands apply as well) Enclosed below (between the "---cut here---" lines) is a DEBUG script for creating the decoder needed to use the mailing list. Place the lines between the two "--- cut here ---" lines into an ASCII file DE500.SCR. Then execute the following DOS command: DEBUG < DE500.SCR --- cut here --- NDE500.COM A100 JMP 14A E102 'Copyright (c) 1992 by Jeff Garzik' A14A MOV AX, 4C00 INT 21 RCX 50 W Q --- cut here --- =============================================================================== The Editor's Corner by East Bay Ray 1@9964 Submissions are definately down here at WWIVNews headquarters, but I decided to go ahead and release another one anyway. I haven't been able to keep track of all the news, but then again, no one is submitting much of anything anymore. There is one new column here, at least. "Latest Versions" is intended to be a list of software that supports WWIV and/or WWIVnet directly, and lists the current versions of each. If you recently authored a new program, or updated an old one, please send in the name, version #, and A SHORT DESCRIPTION of your program to me at 1@9964. Finally, apologies to all for lack of formatting. I just switched fr .