Subj : BBSlink Door Help To : All From : Patch #1@142.Wwivnet Date : Wed Apr 24 2024 07:35 pm This should probably go in the WWIV Linux discussion, I wanted to try here first just for the idea that my question could be seen more in here. I'm trying to set up BBSlink on my system, and have been following the instructions found here: In it, the instructions advise (after adding your connection codes and such) to setup the door using the following command: A) Description : BBSLink B) Filename : bash -c "./chains/bbslink/ -f %1" F) Exec Mode: STDIO I attempt to execute the door, I briefly see 'Please wait.." and then nothing. I don't like that I cannot see the connection attempt to his service, is there a way to have verbose logging local to screen so that I can trail down the issue? Has anyone else had this issue before, or just simply has an idea that could work? Path structure is /home/user/wwiv/chains/bbslink/ I left the path exactly as the example but nothing. I even went so far as to put the entire path in the 'B) Filename' field, and still nothing. For all intent and purposes, the door is literally setup like the URL has it, the only difference is my BBS connection information that I copied and pasted in to be sure I didn't typo that. Any help is certainly appreciated. --- The Lair of the Wolverine * Home of The Cantankerous Gamer and The Game Exchange "We are NOT your average BBS" p Æ"i --- WWIVToss v.1.52 * Origin: * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0) .