Subj : Re: Loaded question... :P To : Jimmy Mac #1@707.Wwivnet From : paulie420 Date : Tue May 07 2024 07:15 pm JM> p> What is the best WWiV board online in 2024? What is your favorite? JM> JM> Mark's Weather Station BBS as it's still on a heavily modded version of JM> 4.24/4.30. JM> JM> I kind of feel bad about that. I should really be calling all of our JM> lnked BBS's but with most of the chatter being on our SysOp and General JM> Subs, and hardly any local sub activity I just haven't been following JM> through. Kk - I think I'm on Weather Station and will make a point to dial in soon... thanks for the suggestion!! :P Theres always tomorrow for dialing out m0re - I try to get around, and have a point to jump into WWiV boards a bit more here shortly. |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>> (11:1/230) .