Subj : Re: Best WWIV board To : Weatherman #1 From : Recon #1@126.Wwivnet Date : Fri Jun 07 2024 06:13 pm I so envy you having saved your highly modded 4.2x BBS man .. Mine got lost on a Zip Drive Disk a good 20 years ago. If I recall the Zip Drive finally gave out and I just discarded it as I never thought I'd need some "old files from my single days" now married. Who knew CV19 would stir up so much nostalgia and time to totally dig in like it was 1985 and spend the days modding BBSes. I started with C-Net on a C64 but in 1989-1991ish I got my first 8088 and immediatly went to WWIV. I just loved it being open source. I'm not sure everyone appreciates how incredibly hard it was everytime Wayne Bell came out with a new shiny version, getting mods transferred over to the new code, but I did it with love and excitement over each new version I grabbed from my local distribution BBS. It's also great to see you carrying on WWIVnet, there just isn't a network like it. It's hard to explain to anyone who's never run a WWIV board, to only need one network and to have hundreds of message areas to subscribe to (and not always guaranteed to be given access,) as opposed to multiple FTN's. I did really like the text mode vibe of ICEnet and wish a version could be spun up on a modern WWIV BBS, but WWIVnet was just incredible (and still is). So thanks for all you do Mr. Mark, mucho appreciated. Hopefully someone younger and healthier than those of us closer to retirement is waiting in line to have the batton passed along to so WWIVnet is not left on a "Way back machine" some day. Rushfan most definetly created an amazing *thing*. I remember being a part of a lot of the requests, along with many others (alpha, apam, and many more) during the big overall to the menu editor and wide screen displays. It's so close to not "needing" the source code but still extremely unique and nice that it's readily available to mod if one desires. I just wish I had a bit more energy to learn whatever language .bas Basic Scripting (Assuming Free Basic) is in .. I'm sure its .. basic. It have so many ideas for my new WWIV BBS, now I just need another 2 years of being able to stay home (minus any pandemic) to shred out a nice system and learn. |11R|153|11C|110|11N On Thursday,June 06, 2024 at 07:32 PM, Weatherman wrote: M> RE: Re: Best WWIV board M> BY: Recon #1 @126 M> M> R> There are quite a few menu features built into the new WWIV 5.9X that M> R> allow for tons of customization like Mystic does. Aside from needing M> R> ANSI's and basic linux stuff working (BBSlink, Gopher, Python ..) I'm M> R> close to opening my WWIV BBS. Marks is by far the most modded BBS M> R> and LOVE M> R> his board, especially the 4.2x vibe, brings back TONS of memories. M> M> Appreciate the positive comments! One of my goals since I returned to M> BBSing was to keep the old classic going (much like some of my old M> vehicles) no matter what changes over the years. M> M> It is also great we have modern development. Rushfan has done a M> fantastic job on adding much of what I have as mods, into native WWIV. M> M> Always great to hear all the people keeping our great hobby alive. M> M> - Mark M> 1 M> 2:.: Weather Station BBS ú M> telnet:// :.: M> 3:.: ú Bel Air, Maryland M> - USA :.: --- WWIVToss v.1.52 * Origin: * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0) .