Subj : Re: Best WWIV board To : Recon #1 From : Weatherman Date : Sun Jun 09 2024 06:57 pm R> I so envy you having saved your highly modded 4.2x BBS man .. Mine got R> lost on I learned early on that backups are one of the most important things. Basically if you don't have backups, you are ok with the data getting lost. In the early days I did lots of WWIV modding (1984 or so timeframe). I put off getting a tape backup unit and ended up having an issue where I lost months worth of custom mods. After that disaster, I became a backup fanatic which follows me to this day. I'm just happy there are still people interested in BBSing and WWIV that still stay in touch and participate here. I will say that there was a period of time I was offline from BBSing - maybe two year or so. I had recently divorsed and moved and my BBS PC was old and I ended up not powering it back on at the time. I remembering thinking that I wouldn't be able to run it much longer anyway since it would only run on super old hardware. Then virtualization changed everything. Once that became a thing, I decided to try and virtualize my original OS/2 physical PC to see if I could get it back online. The process worked and I'm still here. Everything just runs on VMs on a server that I run (24) different VMs anyway. It costs me nothing more to do this and I'm no longer tied to hardware, so I can continue to run the classic BBS on even some of the most modern servers available. Very cool! - Mark :.: Weather Station BBS ú telnet:// :.: :.: ú Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.: ÿÿÿÿÿÿ --- WWIVToss v.1.52 * Origin: * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0) .