Subj : Re: Testing To : K4jtt From : Weatherman Date : Sat Mar 09 2024 08:35 am K> To.......... Jimmy Mac #1@707.Wwivnet K> K> JM> K> JM> Got a few over here but didnt reply to them all. Clearly it's working. K> JM> K> JM> K> K> I was finally about to reconnect to the FTN over to my Mystic again .. K> total HDD crash and had to rebuild. Mark helped on his end also. So by me K> sending simple test posts, once I receive on my side Mystic will auto K> create the sub for me... K> K> N4TDX BBS - Telnet: K> FSXnet: 21:1/136 * Fidonet 1:135/383 * Micronet 618:250/35 K> Titusville, FL. K> K> K> --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32) K> * Origin: N4TDX BBS (11:1/222) Looks like your test from the WWIVnet FTN side of things worked, also. - Mark :.: Weather Station BBS ú telnet:// :.: :.: ú Bel Air, Maryland - USA :.: ÿÿÿÿÿÿ --- WWIVToss v.1.52 * Origin: * Bel Air, MD -USA (11:1/101.0) .