19-10-2020, Monday Hi All, I was annoyed today to find a right-wing conspiracy theory loving booklet in my (physical) mailbox. I did not want this booklet and I did also not ask for it. In addition to this, I have a sticker on my mailbox that says that I do not want any unsolicited mail. They just ignored it and put the booklet in anyway. One might come to the conclusion that the people delivering this bullshit must not even be able to read! Anyway, I just do not like this development in our society at all. Conspiracy thinkers are trying to take over the masses and put very wrong ideas into the minds of people that can not think for themselves critically enough. And that is the very thing they are accusing the government of themselves! This is not something I can condone. Let's just stick to the truth and try not to colour any information. It is already hard enough to sift through the politically coloured things as it stands today. They say Corona is a hoax... How far from the truth can you stray? If Corona was really a hoax, and (as they pretend) about as deadly as a normal flu, then how come our hospitals' IC wardens are not overflowing each year, but only now? 'Nuff said for today. Stay safe and keep your thinking cap on! Cheers, Fripster