6th of March 2021, Saturday Hello Gophers! Today was quite a full day. I installed a new Datavideo PTC-140 PTZ camera in our church. We already had one PTZ (and a fixed cam) but we wanted one additio- nal PTZ. We have been streaming our services for about a year now under the Covid-19 restrictions. It has become quite normal to wake up on Sunday mornings, roll out of bed, make yourself a cup of coffee, and watch the service. In a way it is quite relaxing to be able to 'go to church' like this , but it just isn't the real thing. I will be happy when we all will be able to come together in the physical church again, and sing God's praises together. On the other hand, it is nice for a techie like me to be able to make the stream possible for all the people in my church. It is really a good alternative. Otherwise there would be no church service at all for them.... For our pastor it has been quite the challenge as well. Imagine trying to deli- ver a sermon to an empty church (except the mediateam) instead of delivering it to a big group of people, where one can actually see reactions to what one is saying. He had to adapt big time, but now it is as if he has never done it differently. On another note, I have realigned the bed of my 3D printer this week, after I read somewhere that you should not try to align the four corners, but rather the three points that support the bed. This was quite the 'DUH!'-moment for me. We all learn in school that a flat surface is defined by three points (and not four!). So when you align the three points on which my Ender-2 bed is supported, you automatically align the whole bed. I wanted to kick myself when I read it. It is so simple and yet I did not think about it. Trying to align on the corners was a pain in the butt, and when you have one corner setup okay, then the others will be off. This is of course because all points in the flat surface are inter- connected, when one changes, all change. This simpler procedure makes it a breeze The quality of my prints immediately improved. Very happy about this. Work is still a game of having to do too much with a too small group of people. It eats away at your sanity at an alarming pace. I don't feel well at all about it, and people in my team are irritated and snappy. As a middle manager I am between my team and upper management, so it's not always fun. I call this the curse of the middle manager. Should've thought of that when I accepted the job. Well, it still pays my bills, so let's see how far we come. As they say, the soup is never eaten as hot as it is served. Have a nice weekend! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8