28th of March 2021, Sunday Hello Gophers! It's Sunday evening, and I feel like writing a piece for the phlog. I just don't know what it will be about. I just feel like writing I guess. I did some Lua coding for the first time in my life this weekend. It is a script for OBS (Open Broadcasting system) that will run each 500ms and check what scene we are currently broadcasting. Dependent on a code in de scene's name the script will activate a tally light for the main camera that is used in the scene, in order for our minister to see where he should look. I ordered a cheap RS232 con- trolled relay board from AliExpress, and I hope to control the four relays with the script. The relays will be connected to the tally lights that will be placed with every camera in the system. I must say the Lua language is not too bad. I just do not like the non-strictness it has about typing. I'm old fashioned maybe But okay, the script seems to work, and puts out the right commands over the RS232 connection (I checked with a nullmodem cable and a serial terminal pro- gram). Now the wait begins for the delivery of the board from China. Here in the Netherlands that can easily take 5 weeks or so. We'll see. I also designed a nice small 3D printed enclosure for the tally lights. I love designing stuff in OpenSCAD. It just comes so naturally to me. I am a mechanical engineer officially, but I like the programmatic approach to 3D drawing more than drawing in a 'real' 3D drawing package like Pro/Engineer, NX or the like. I can not tell you why, but I like the control over the exact numbers in OpenSCAD I guess. Well. This was again a small phlog entry about tech. I'll try to tell a bit about my personal life again next time. Have a good week! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8