10th of April 2021, Saturday Hello Gophers! The tally system is complete. I 3D printed three led holders (4 LEDs a piece) for the tallies (tally's?) and I also printed a box for the control PCB. The print of the box cost 5 hours of printing, but worked a treat. I love it when I can just design and produce things in my home. If you would have told me that would become totally possible in, say, the 80's I would have thought you were stark raving mad. I now have to install it, but I did not find time to do it yet. Work and home things keep me from going to the church and do the install. Ah, well, we have worked without tally lights for a year, so waiting a few weeks does not hurt anyone I think. We are not getting out of the house a lot these days, as we are not yet vacci- nated. The speed of vaccinations in the Netherlands is very slow, and therefore only people older than 70 years of age are currently in the process of getting their vaccinations. We will just have to sit this one out I guess. Last week, during Easter, we had snow. I do not remember ever seeing snow in April! It was very strange to see this happening. I was looking forward to some more heat during Easter, and I hoped we could sit outside. Instead it was cold. No fun. Oh yeah, I am working on a chorded keyboard for myself. It will be based on a Arduino pro mini, and will have a LCD screen. This is for training yourself in the usage of the keyboard. Until now I have designed and printed the enclo- sure for the keys (Cherry MX clones) and the LCD (16x2 white on blue). Now I will have to print the top (two thumb keys, also Cherry MX clones) and then assemble and program. I am looking forward to having some more free time to work on this little project. Anyway... Have a nice weekend! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8