7th of June 2021, Monday Hello Gophers! After checking my pygopherd logs I found out that someone was portscanning my IP. In itself that is not a problem, as only port 70 is exposed, but it remin- ded me that I did not update the Pi for some time. So I decided to do just that. Unfortunately, Pygopherd was uninstalled by apt for some reason. And then I got into some hot(ter) water on how to get this working again. Apt had no install candidate, so I had to do something else. Now after a lot of wrangling I managed to get Pygopherd set up again, and there- fore we are up again. Next time check the APT messages a bit more strictly ;-) Have a nice week! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8