18th of June 2021, Friday Hello Gophers, It's hot here. Finally! We have some real summer now here in the Netherlands. I hear that the hot weather is good to get the Covid-19 numbers down. That is great in my opinion... The European championship for football/soccer is currently active, I hear and see around me. And, I couldn't care less. Actuall, I hate football. And then not even the game, which I am indifferent to, but more the total craziness that seems to pervade my country when the national team needs to play. I just can't get my head around the fact that people are so crazy about this. Maybe it is because I am a nerd, and have not much attention for sports in general. I just don't know. But okay... What gets *my* attention then? Maybe it's this "small web" thing? Definitely I get interested/exited when it comes to personal privacy. Still so many people have no idea that their (meta-)data is traded, and the likes of Google, Facebook, Twitter and so on are getting rich over this. Wow, this is becoming more a rant than I meant to write...but ok, it is what it is. This is what phlogging is all about I think ;-) Well, I am going to do something else. Cheers, Fripster ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8