24th of July 2021, Saturday Hello Gophers! I'm typing this as I am sitting on a campsite in the north of the Netherlands. We are currently on holiday, but I was so wise to set up a VPN to my house, so I can reach the Gopher server and post. I am currently typing this into nano and think that is neat. It is not much, but when I think back to the time that I bought my first computer (an Acorn Electron) than we have come a loooong way since that. A thought occurred to me today.. One that you might have had already a long time ago, but I'm not that fast normally. It occurred to me that we all think that our own lives are important, and that we have to "make a difference" or "have a meaningful life", but in fact we are with so many people on this earth, that it is nigh on impossible for all to have really meaningful lives. Statistically spoken there must also be a lot of people that have very bland, unimportant lives, and they do not think any worse about themselves. I think that is good. The world would become a very irritating place otherwise, I think. Anyway, just some thoughts on a Saturday afternoon. Have a nice (rest of the) weekend! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8