11th of August 2021, Wednesday Hello Gophers! I was listening to the radio today,and I heard somebody mention that they were of the opinion that working from home (as a result of Covid restrictions) was more tiring to them than working in the office. This struck me as odd, as I my- self have experienced exactly the opposite. I like working from home a lot, as the surroundings are quieter, the general work situation more relaxed (good chair, at home, good coffee, I am able to go downstairs to ask something or grab a coffee) and so on. I wondered why the guy on the radio came to exactly the opposite conclusion as I did. After some time to think, I came to the conclusion that it could have something to do with the personal type of work focus that someone has. Some people are quite relaxed at work, and have many social interactions during the day that are not neccessarily linked to work items. Others focus on work items, and have not many social interactions during the day. I think this is where the difference comes from. If you are a person who is very work-focused, then working from home, performing the same tasks as normal, can seem to be a bit more relaxed. On the other hand, if you are the social type, then working from home can give you the feeling to be cut off from the social group you're in, and therefore seem more stressy. I'm not sure whether this holds water or not. So, let me know what you think! Have a nice evening! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8