14th of August 2021, Saturday Hello Gophers! Just a short one today. I wanted to change the way my gophermap for the phlog directory was sorted. I wanted the gophermap to have the most recent phlog at the top, instead of a the bottom. So I just needed to invert the sequence of the lines in the gophermap. And then it hit me: there is actually a Linux tool for this in the CLI. It's called "tac" and it sole purpose is to do what I just described as my need. This is why I love Linux so much... There is always a simple, clever tool for what you need. And if it is not there, then concatena- ting a few other tools through pipes will mostentimes bring you there. I find this amazing. It's almost as if the tooling in Linux (and Unix for that matter) was built by users for users ;-) Anyway, the weather is very nice here today (23 degrees C, slightly overcast), so we are going to enjoy our dinner in the garden. Have a nice weekend! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8