5th of September 2021, Sunday Hello Gophers! I am feeling like writing a phlog, but I just have no idea what about. Maybe it will come to me in the process. Sometimes I just feel like writing, and then it just needs to happen. Oh! I already know. I will tell you all about the fact that I just bought a new laptop this week. I bought a Lenovo Thinkpad T14 1st gen this week! I am quite happy with it. It ran Windows for a whole five minutes be- fore I put Debian on it. The five minutes was spent using a very strange command I found online to extract the product code and store it in a text file. To me it is very strange that one has to go to PowerShell, type in a very specific, and quite long, command, and then (and only then!) be presented with the product code that was yours all along (!). It's like Microsoft is deliberately making that hard for the average user. Really strange. I will use the code to put the Windows 10 copy that I legally bought, and did not use, on a different PC for someone who needs Windows as a result of needing a specific software that is Windows-only. The installation on the T14 (I bought the first gen on purpose, the second gen was also on sale. But Linux does not have good coverage of Intel Iris graphics yet) went off without a hitch. Make a USB stick (using dd) with Debian & non-free firmwares, plop it in, boot from it, and 25 minutes later you're up and running. Then use FUSE (gio) to connect to your old pc, move over the home directory, and you're almost finished. Try that on a Windows machine.... The weather was nice today. A little over 22 degrees Centigrade, and clear skies I really hope we get some more of that in the coming days. Anyway, Have a nice working week! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8