2nd of October 2021, Saturday Hello Gophers! Finally a Saturday where I do not have to do so many things. The last few weeks were too busy, and I do not like it like that. I always need my weekend to get "back on earth" after a busy work week. The weather is nice for early October as well. I'm not doing much at the moment, and it's great. Only active thing running at the moment is a backup of my entire NAS contents to an external USB disk for off-site storage. I use my NAS as a backup (and only for that! If you use it for other things, then a NAS is NOT suitable as a backup) but I like to have an off- site backup for when a disaster would strike and my NAS would get destroyed. I have thousands of photographs of my kids and holidays that I would not want to lose. Also some code and documents that I would hate to lose. On a wholly different note, I just read a nice thing about a firm in Austria, who have taken a Tesla Model 3 and have changed it to a serial hybrid. Serial hybrid means that the electric motor stays as the only power source to the wheels, but the battery size is taken down to about one-fourth of what it was before. This obviously makes the range on battery go down significantly (about 100kms) but they add a petrol generator that kicks in when the battery is about to be depleted (or the speed is on the high side) and gives electric power to the car. Check it out here: https://www.obrist.at (I have no associations with them, I'm just interested) I love the concept, and it extends the range massively, but I still think these guys have not gone far enough. The thing still runs on petrol and is therefore not what we all need in the end. In my humble opinion the generator would need to be of the 'diesel' kind, and not the 'petrol' kind, and it should be made to be able to run on any oil, like used cooking oil, sunflower oil, canola oil and so on. This would mean that we can use all our oil producing plants and the like to make this car go. This would solve the range anxiety issue, the Li-Ion battery shortage in the future and a lot of the endless stream of petrol issues. I'm not sure if I missed something here, so if you have something to say about this, just drop me a line... Anyway, have a nice weekend! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8