23rd of October 2021, Saturday Hello Gophers! We are enjoying a real nice autumn Saturday today here in the Netherlands. The weather is sunny, and the feeling outside can be called 'crisp'. The temperature is about 6 degrees Centigrade. Finally we have a weekend for ourselves where we are not going out or doing something for others. Finally, we can just do what we like this weekend. Very good feeling. We bought a new bed for my son (he is getting so tall, we needed to get a longer bed) and I will assemble the thing today. Also my daughter wants some RGB lights under hers (a half-height elevated bed) so she can make a place to relax with a bean bag and all. We'll go shopping for the stuff today. Looking forward to it. Work is still a drag. We make marvellous things, but trying to do all that work with so little people makes the pressure too high on all, leading to unhappy team members. We'll have to just slog through it I suppose, as hiring and training new people will take at least nine months, so no immediate relief possible. I just got some new coffee beans for my machine, and I really like them. I have Segafredo Intermezzo beans now, and I like the mellow rounded flavour of it. Just some musings for a nice Saturday morning. Greetings to you all, and have a nice weekend! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8