21st of November 2021, Sunday Hello Gophers! Our little family has now been hit with one Corona infection, so we are going to stay at home and work (and go to school) from home again. Luckily we are all fully inoculated, so the illness is not too hard on the person. To be honest, I'm looking forward to having to work from home again, as working from home is a little less stressy than when being in the factory. People have to actively look me up and connect to me when I'm working from home, which takes just that little more effort for them. This means that I actually get more of my own work done, as my focus is a lot better at home as a result of this. So all in all, it's not too bad for me personally. Now for something completely different: I found an awesome gemini/gopher browser today, which is named "Lagrange". It works very nicely on my machine, and looks awesome. It is the work of a guy named Jaakko Keranen from Finland. Check it out! ( https://github.com/skyjake/lagrange ) I am looking forward to a nice, quiet rest of my Sunday. Have a nice one, all! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8