1st of February 2022, Tuesday Hello Gophers! I am sitting here at a customer in Brazil (a far, far away place for me) and I am waiting for a colleague to do some magic to a machine, so I can finish my own business with it. As I need to kill some time, I have fired up my work PC with a live Debian stick that I carry in my bag. This way, I always have a pri- vate "PC" with me that does not interfere with my work's data. I love this so- lution so much. It gives me the possibility to use Linux when I am travelling as and when I need it. Two days ago for example, I needed to initialize an USB stick for example, and Windows would not let me. So I fired up the Live Linux stick, and then a simple "sudo mkdosfs -I /dev/sdc" was enough to kick the USB stick into shape again. I just love those little things. I have made the stick such that it has persistence, so any file I produce is kept, even though the actual image that is booted is the live CD. I think the persistence system is great. I like travelling in Brazil! The people are nice, the food is awesome, and gen- erally speaking working here is also not bad. The land is by far not as clean as, say, The Netherlands, but it certainly makes up for it in flavour. Here people live a somewhat simpler life than we in Europe do, and actually it's not bad. It is more to the core of living, with less frills. Okay, so far my rant from far away. I hope your week is as interesting as mine.. Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8