23rd of February 2022, Wednesday Hello Gophers! I really do not know anymore what to think of what is happening in Ukraine at the moment. If you believe the mainstream media in Europe, then it seems that Mr. Putin is showing clear signs of being an agressor that is currently plan- ning to take over the power in Ukraine. However, there are others that say that Mr. Putin is only defending his interests in not being too near NATO. To be honest, I do not know what to think. I am sure that whatever news or opi- nion outlet you frequent, you will get a different 'truth' served to you in a manner that seems very convincing. Also half-truths are mostentimes one of the bigger problems: They seem to convey the truth, but it is not the whole truth and therefore riddled with inconsistencies and therefore untrustworthy. I am of the opinion that news outlets in general can not be trusted. Not even western ones. Nobody will be able to tell you all that is REALLY going on, because all news outlets have a lack of complete information in my opinion. Even the most trustworthy, balanced, honest and well informed ones are bound to have a blind spot of some sort and level. So really being all-informed, fully balanced and independent is a pipe dream. I just hope that taking all information blared out in the media with a grain of salt will help. I have no other means at my disposal to seek out the truth. I also hope that our good God will shield us from war here in Europe. I really am not looking forward to a WWIII situation. I want peace. For all. Period. Hope this will not escalate. Time will tell. I hope Christ our Saviour will come back to us before that happens. Only our good God knows the time when that will take place, but I am very much looking forward to that point in time. Oh what a joy it will be! Have a nice rest of the week, all! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8