17th of August 2022, Wednesday Hello Gophers! I am sitting here on a campsite, in the last days of my summer holidays, and I was thinking that I should write a phlog once more. So here it is. We were visiting a major city yesterday, and it occurred to me that there are so many people running around in only that city alone, notwithstanding the other people running around all the cities and rural areas in the world, that I feel less pushed to be of any importance to the world than I usually do. There are so many people running around who all have their responsibilities, hopes, dreams, goals etc, that mine all of a sudden seem a lot less important. This is a good feeling. It makes me worry less, to be part of a very big group of people who also do not matter so much, exactly like myself. It's strange to write this down, but it is the truth. I do not want to be im- portant, I just want to exist and live my life. I also do not want too many people to feel dependent on me and my actions. I'd rather blend in in the masses. I found a quote the other day somewhere on the internet that is more or less telling the same message: "Let people do what they need to do to make them happy, mind your own business and do what you need to make you happy" Let's do that then... Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8