27th of December 2022, Tuesday Hello Gophers, Our situation is stable at the moment but by far not positive. I am sorry not to divulge what my exact relationship to my family member is, but the person is still very ill. But at least treatment has started and is going into the right direction generally. In practice this means that we have good days and bad days. Sometimes there is progress and sometimes we fall back. But at least the general direction is okay and we are progressing, albeit slowly. Work is like I told you in a former phlog. My new boss thinks he has invented hot water and is organizing everything like he wants to see it, that is: from theory only. Not that it matters much, as the real changes will still need to come from the workfloor, and people are picking up on how politically inclined the guy is. They are seeing through his amicable front, and that is good to see. I feel more at ease like that, people knowing the truth. We will see whether the "BIG CHANGES" will pan out for real. Until now it has been an exercise in declaring "how things should be" instead of seeing whether it is at all possible to reach those lofty goals. We will see. As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I think in the not too far future, I will end up in a position where I can say the old words that go like this: "I am sorry to tell you I told you so. But.. I told told you so" For now I am playing along. Lets see where we end up. I wish you all a very good end of the year 2022, and may 2023 be a lot better for us all. Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8