1th of March 2023, Saturday Hello Gophers! I am sitting in my attic, waiting for my 3D printer to finish the all-but- last item for the enclosure for my TPA3116 based power amplifier. I am quite chuffed that I am coming to the last steps of the build. When I will be fini- shed I will have spent 38 hours printing items for my power amp. But it looks good, and it sounds great. It even has the right WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) so I can actually install it in the living room when it is finished. That is great. We are currently trying to find a good set of shelves for our ever growing CD collection. It is just not simple to store 1000+ CDs in a fashion that also pleases the eye. We found a cabinet on-line but I am not yet convinced it fits the style of our living room. Well, we'll see what happens. My family member that was very ill, is recovering slowly. We are very happy that the person will probably be with us for the time to come. It's still a long way, but at least we are going in the right direction. Work has been a drag the last few weeks. I find it hard to get accustomed to the new situation I am in, and do not agree on some of the things happening. On the other hand, I am still making a nice salary, and I also have a lot of good colleagues. So, changing jobs is not a good step to take right now. Maybe later this year. We will see. I hope that the world will improve a bit over the coming years, as we have gone down the drain the last few years a lot, with the Covid stuff first, and then the war in Ukraine. I sincerely hope that better times are ahead. I wish you a good weekend! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8