4th of April 2023, Saturday Hello Gophers! First of all I want to wish you all a happy Easter. Christ has risen, and has saved all of men who believe in Him. Praise be His Name! I have cooked a new thing (to me at least) today: Japanese Chicken Katsu curry, and it was amazing. Simple to make (just follow the instruction on the S&B Golden Curry package) and very tasty. The best thing is that my (quite picky) daughter liked it! She is so picky when eating, that trying new stuff is always a bit of a gamble. But she liked it, and ate a full portion I am currently enjoying a 4 day weekend over Easter and so far it's been great. I needed some rest, and at least I am getting some now. My body was screaming for rest last week, so this came just at the right time. I just wanted to write some tidbits... so here we are. I again wish you all a very nice Easter. If you have a church nearby, maybe you could go to one of the services, and hear what it's all about... Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8