____ FRST Computer: batch 4 __________________________________________
       So... after daily-driving my batch 3 computers for several months now,
       I'm ready to commit to making the next batch, with some important
       refinements and scaling up to a quanitity of 10 machines.  This allows
       me to go ahead and establish a price for these machines and set the
       expectations for what I hope this batch will represent for FRST:Net
       development and for who I hope might be interested.
       As this is truly a limited-edition release, it is intended for the
       most keen Plan 9/retro/cyberdeck/radio/counter-culture enthusiasts
       that might stumble into this obscure corner of the Internet.  I'm
       only making ten decks in this batch, so it really is just "for the
       few of us".  I'm hopeful that I might find a handful of folks
       that are interested enough to work together to explore the path
       not taken.
       I'm also hopeful that at least a couple of people take advantage of
       the "grid computing research kit" option, which is a BOGO deal
       intended to promote the development of wireless mesh networking
       using the LoRa modules.  For only $222.22 more, you'll get two
       decks -- one for you, and one for a friend or neighbor.  (or two for
       you, I won't judge)
       batch 4 Promise:
       For this "research kit" batch, I promise to deliver a personal
       CyberDeck experience not too dissimilar from Plan 9.  That is, much
       like Plan 9 is a "research" operating system, consider the Model 3 a
       "research" personal computer -- a far-out, 90s-inspired, portable
       packet radio research computer, at that.  Be prepared to write some C.
       Be prepared for a hand-assembled, 3D-printed computer.  You may find
       aspects of it either elegant or homespun.  I don't know how durable
       it really is -- I've been not especially gentle with my batch 3
       builds, dragging them all over, and they've held up pretty well so
       far.  How about this for a warranty statement?  If anything comes
       up, I promise to do my reasonable best to make it right --
       replacement parts, etc.
       And as I've mentioned elsewhere, these are also meant to hold up as
       a piece of techno-art, so expect that, too -- a unique and bespoke
       quality.  To that end, each one will be serial numbered, for
       whatever that may be worth.
       I'll be acquiring / testing a few of the "evolved" Model 3 components
       (kb/touchpad PCB) in the next few weeks, but will wait to place parts
       orders until all 10 decks are spoken for.  There are a few suprises
       I'm planning, depending on how a couple of the costs break out...
       Evolved Model 3 deck -- $555.55
        - 7" (1024x600) Touchscreen LCD w/ integrated Raspberry Pi Zero
                interface board, HUB, Ethernet, etc.
        - (improved!) 3D-printed case with magnetic action
        - Decals/airbrushed detailing
        - Pi Zero W (can be equipped with non-WiFi/BT model by request)
        - 36-key QMK keyboard w/ 40mm Cirque touchpad (new, integrated PCB)
        -   (choice of choc keyswitches)
        -   stealth keycaps
        - 9front on microSD
        - External USB-C battery
        - External^H^H^H Internal(!) Semtech SX1276 (LoRa) module
        - Carrying case
       You know, someday there will be a way to reserve a computer with
       gopher, but just email or call us in the meantime...
 (DIR) [1] Model Three