[ English: For an English version of this text please send a mail with a subject line of "HELP" to pgp-public-keys@keys.pgp.net, or access the URL http://www.pgp.net/pgpnet/wwwail-help-en.html Norwegian: For aa faa dette dokumentet paa norsk, send "HELP NO" til pgp-public-keys@keys.no.pgp.net German: Fuer eine deutschsprachige Fassung dieses Textes senden Sie eine Mail mit dem Subject "HELP DE" an die folgende Adresse pgp-public-keys@keys.de.pgp.net Spanish: Para obtener una versi鏮 en castellano de este texto, env獯 un mail a pgp-public-keys@keys.es.pgp.net con el "Subject" HELP ES Finnish: Saadaksesi taman tekstin suomeksi, laheta osoitteeseen pgp-public-keys@keys.fi.pgp.net tyhja viesti, jonka Subject-kentta on "HELP FI". Chinese: 對取得此一中文版 PGP 伺服器提供線上輔助說明, 請 E-mail 給 pgp-public-keys@keys.tw.pgp.net, 於 Subject: 註明 "HELP TW" 即可. Czech: Pro ziskani ceske verze tohoto textu poslete prosim e-mail se Subject radkou "HELP CZ" na adresu pgp-public-keys@keys.cz.pgp.net nebo pristupte na URL http://www.pgp.net/pgpnet/email-help-cz.html Dansk: For at faa en dansk version af denne text skal du sende en e-mail med en subject-tekst: "HELP DK" til pgp-public-keys@keys.dk.pgp.net eller slaa op paa URL http://www.pgp.net/pgpnet/email-help-dk.html Portuguese:Para obter uma versco em portugujs deste texto, deve enviar um mail para pgp-public-keys@keys.pt.pgp.net com o "Subject" HELP PT Croatian: Za hrvatsku verziju ovoga teksta posaljite poruku koja ce u Subject imati "HELP HR" na adresu pgp-public-keys@keys.hr.pgp.net ] PGP 公共郵件鑰匙伺服器 PGP Public Email Keyservers --------------------------- 許多 PGP 公共郵件鑰匙伺服器結合 Internet 與 UUCP 郵件功能系統, 可讓線上 使用者交換公共鑰匙. There are PGP public email key servers which allow one to exchange public keys running using the Internet and UUCP mail systems. 由於 WWW 可提供非常方便取得資料的能力, http://www.tw.pgp.net/pgp/www-key.html 網訊文件能提供許多有關訊息, 是您較喜好的方式, 也可得知更多的伺服器地址, 並可讓您從 FTP 伺服器 ftp.tw.pgp.net:pub/pgp 底下取得更多的 PGP 相關資源. Those capable of accessing the WWW might prefer to use the WWW interface available via http://www.pgp.net/pgpnet/www-key.html and managers of sites which may want to make frequent lookups may care to copy the full keyring from the FTP server at ftp.pgp.net:pub/pgp/ 在此服務僅協助 PGP 使用者之間傳送鑰匙. 它並不保證傳送的鑰匙是有效正確的鑰匙. 因此請在鑰匙上附加簽名來確保其安全性. This service exists only to help transfer keys between PGP users. It does NOT attempt to guarantee that a key is a valid key; use the signatures on a key for that kind of security. 鑰匙伺服器的服務是由郵件上的訊息來決定. 其請求指令是加註在郵件的 Subject: 列上. Each keyserver processes requests in the form of mail messages. The commands for the server are entered on the Subject: line. ---------------------------------------------- ======== ----- 注意: 信件內容應保留空白. Note that they should NOT be included in the body of the message. --------------------- === --------------------------------------- 例如: To: pgp-public-keys@keys.tw.pgp.net From: johndoe@some.site.edu Subject: HELP TW 當您欲加您的鑰匙至一鑰匙伺服器時, 您可將您的鑰匙送至任一鑰匙伺服器, 並給 "ADD" subject 即可. 當一鑰匙伺服器完全處理您的鑰匙之後, 它會自動地將您的 鑰匙再往其他的鑰匙伺服器傳送. Sending your key to ONE server is enough. After it processes your key, it will forward your add request to other servers automagically. 例如, 要加您的鑰匙到一鑰匙伺服器或更換您在鑰匙伺服器的鑰匙時, 寄出像下 列的訊息即可. For example, to add your key to the keyserver, or to update your key if it is already there, send a message similar to the following to any server: To: pgp-public-keys@keys.tw.pgp.net From: johndoe@some.site.edu Subject: add -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- COMPROMISED KEYS: Create a Key Revocation Certificate (read the PGP docs on how to do that) and mail your key to the server once again, with the ADD command. 可用的指令如下: Valid commands are: 指令 郵件中應含的訊息內容 Command Message body contains ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 新增 您的公用鑰匙 (要加的鑰匙即是訊息內容) ADD Your PGP public key (key to add is body of msg) 索引 列出所有伺服器知道的鑰匙(可用 -kv 列出) INDEX List all PGP keys the server knows about (-kv) 索引 列出所有與使用者相同 id 的鑰匙 INDEX userid List all PGP keys that match the userid (-kv) VERBOSE INDEX List all PGP keys, verbose format (-kvv) VERBOSE INDEX userid List all PGP keys, that match the userid, verbose (-kvv) 取得 取得全部公共鑰匙環的鑰匙 GET Get the whole public key ring (split) 取得 取得 GET userid Get just that one key 取得 取得所有符合 regexp 字串的鑰匙, regexp 字串至少要 兩個字以上 MGET regexp Get all keys which match /regexp/ regexp must be at least two characters long 取得 LAST days Get the keys updated in the last `days' days ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 看看 MGET 指令的範例 Examples for the MGET command: 取得 michael 的鑰匙 取得所有含 "michael" 字串的鑰匙 MGET michael Gets all keys which have "michael" in them MGET iastate All keys which contain "iastate" 取得 E8F605A5 與 5F3E38F5 的鑰匙 MGET E8F605A5|5F3E38F5 Those two keyid's 對 regexp 特加說明: regexp 中可使用萬用字元 *, 但要注意它的用法與 Unix 或 MSDOS 中的用法不一樣. 它的意思是代表零或多個它前面的字元. 如下例子: One word about regexps: These are not the same as the wildcards Unix shells and MSDOS uses. A * isn't ``match anything'' it means ``match zero or more of the previous character'' like: a.* matches anything beginning with an a ab*c matches ac, abc, abbc, etc. 不要用 MGET .* 指令, 以 GET 指令代替. Just try not to use ``MGET .*'' -- use ``GET'' instead. 注意 GET 指令的使用: 盡可能地使用 ftp ftp.pgp.net:pub/pgp/keys 來得到鑰匙環 , 而不要使用 GET 指令. Note on the ``GET'' command: If at all possible, ftp the keyring from a server such as ftp.pgp.net:pub/pgp/keys rather than using the ``GET'' command to return the whole ring. Currently, this ring comes out to be over 50 files of 52k each. This is a lot of files, and a lot of bother to get in the right order to run through PGP. 使用者可使用下列郵件地址: Users should normally use the email address `pgp-public-keys@keys.pgp.net' or your national servers using one of: pgp-public-keys@keys.de.pgp.net pgp-public-keys@keys.nl.pgp.net pgp-public-keys@keys.no.pgp.net pgp-public-keys@keys.uk.pgp.net pgp-public-keys@keys.us.pgp.net pgp-public-keys@keys.tw.pgp.net for the email interface, and `ftp.tw.pgp.net:pub/pgp/' for FTP access. Users are recommended to use the "*.pgp.net" addresses above as these are stable and reliable. .