Top level home page for at [98061409]

The domain is currently primarily concerned with making access to users PGP keys as simple as possible. It does have a list of some of the servers which hold PGP sources (as on the TERENA Secure Email CD), but this role is secondary.

The domain services run on a number of replicated servers. Using the name for Web access will get you a "random" one, due to the DNS's shuffling of A RRs (this page is from You may instead choose to use a Web server which is "nearer" to you. You can let the server guess, select to force the use of, or choose from: at, ca, ch, dk, de, no, uk or maybe out of date ones: se, au, or some under development: tw, it
Most of these use mirror, but it is also possible using Victor Parada's webcopy.
Additional offers to mirror greatfully accepted by

This domain is still at an early stage in its development. Any offers to populate this page will be greatfully accepted. The main areas are:
Anyone using (or contemplating using) PGP 5 should read Brad Knowles' PGP 5 Tips on how to get things to actually work.
Known future developments in PGP servers and related subjects are:
To pad this out a bit, here are a few PGP related liks ...

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