Coda-6.0.11 has been released. Binary packages have been built on Redhat 9.0, Fedora Core 2 and Debian, SRPM and the source tarball are also available. This release consists mostly of small fixes, it shouldn't be necessary to reinitialize the client. The most important changes are, - Fixed kernel device check in venus-setup. (Maurice van der Pot) - libc5 compilation fixes. (Dan Fandrich) - Reintegration of 'mkdir bar; chown foo bar' was incorrectly considered as a conflicting update. - Fix iterators to make sure we keep objects pinned down with a refcount to prevent them from being pulled out when we yield (make an RPC2 call) during the iteration. - Send error messages from the backup scripts to root@localhost instead of the current (/dev/null-ed) addresses in the Coda domain. We have been running the new clients and servers for a couple of days already to see if the iterator changes introduced any unforeseen problems, and everything seems to be working just fine. .