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Name Rating Popularity License Supported platforms
Blockade 4 cow rating
Popularity: 50 Popularity: 50%
GPL - X11
Blockade is a block sliding puzzle game for X11.
linoopz 4 cow rating
Popularity: 10 Popularity: 10%
GPL - X11
This is a remake of the game loopz.
Gtraffic 4 cow rating
Popularity: 30 Popularity: 30%
GPL - X11
Gtraffic is a sliding block puzzle game for GNOME.
Black Penguin 3 cow rating
Popularity: 40 Popularity: 40%
GPL - X11
This is an arcade-style jump-on-the-cubes game.
Tucows Features:
screenshot Aaron's WebVacuum
This program allows you to download pictures and MP3s from Web sites.

screenshot Webroot Window Washer
Wash away all traces of your PC and Internet activity and improve system performance with...

KSlide 4 cow rating
Popularity: 100
GPL - X11
KSlide imports a picture, scrambles it up, and you have to slide the pieces around to...
Pyrism 4 cow rating
Popularity: 18 Popularity: 18%
Shareware - X11
The goal of Pyrism is to control more of the board than you opponent does.
Gem Drop X 4 cow rating
Popularity: 80 Popularity: 80%
GPL - X11
Gem Drop X is an interesting one-player puzzle game.
Xpuyopuyo 5 cow rating
Popularity: 70 Popularity: 70%
GPL - X11
Xpuyopuyo is a Tetris-like game.
Absolutist Bubble Shooter 5 cow rating
Popularity: 90 Popularity: 90%
Shareware Console -
Clear all of the bubbles from the board, scoring as many points as possible.
E-Crypto 5 cow rating
Popularity: 20 Popularity: 20%
Subscription Console -
This program lets you solve cryptograms interactively.
Rocks'n'Diamonds 4 cow rating
Popularity: 60 Popularity: 60%
GPL - X11
This is an arcade-style game with stereo sounds.

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