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Name Rating Popularity License Supported platforms
Popularity: 23 Popularity: 23%
Shareware Console X11
This program allows you to administer Oracle remotely, through any Web browser.
DBF Viewer and Editor
Popularity: 71 Popularity: 71%
Shareware - X11
This console DBF file viewer and editor supports: Keyboard macros Multiple file opening...
Popularity: 57 Popularity: 57%
Demo - X11
This is a multi-vendor, multi-platform database design and synchronization...
DGS Search 4 cow rating
Popularity: 50 Popularity: 50%
GPL - X11
DGS Search is a PHP-based utility capable of file system and database searches on MySQL,...
Tucows Features:
screenshot Aaron's WebVacuum
This program allows you to download pictures and MP3s from Web sites.

screenshot Webroot Window Washer
Wash away all traces of your PC and Internet activity and improve system performance with...

DigiTemp (DS9097U and DS9097 Adapters) 4 cow rating
Popularity: 64 Popularity: 64%
GPL Console X11
This is a console application for reading temperatures from 1-wire temperature sensors...
DigiTemp for Linux (Passive Adapter) 4 cow rating
Popularity: 79 Popularity: 79%
GPL - X11
This is a console application for reading 1-wire temperature sensors like the DS1820,...
EMS MySQL Data Export 4 cow rating
Popularity: 21 Popularity: 21%
Shareware Console X11
This is a cross-platform program to export your data from MySQL databases to any of 15...
EMS MySQL Data Import 4 cow rating
Popularity: 86 Popularity: 86%
Shareware Console X11
This is a cross-platform tool to import your data from MS Excel, MS Access, DBF, TXT and...
EMS PostgreSQL Data Export 4 cow rating
Popularity: 10 Popularity: 10%
Shareware Console X11
This is a cross-platform program to export your data quickly from PostgreSQL databases to...
EMS PostgreSQL Data Import 4 cow rating
Popularity: 36 Popularity: 36%
Shareware Console X11
This is a cross-platform tool to import your data from MS Excel, MS Access (Windows...
filePro Plus Single User for Linux 4 cow rating
Popularity: 43 Popularity: 43%
Demo Console -
This is a complete database application development environment.
gASQL 4 cow rating
Popularity: 14 Popularity: 14%
GPL - X11
gASQL is a tool designed to help administer a database with a nice GUI.
GT Subset 4 cow rating
Popularity: 25 Popularity: 25%
Demo Console X11
Create subset databases for system testing and application development.
HandySQL 4 cow rating
Popularity: 21 Popularity: 21%
Open Source Console -
This module offers a C interface embedded in Perl.
phpOracleAdmin 4 cow rating
Popularity: 93 Popularity: 93%
GPL - X11
It uses PHP4 to offer simple Oracle object browsing, multiple database connections and...
Pibase Application Engine 4 cow rating
Popularity: 20 Popularity: 20%
Freeware - X11
This is a CGI processor, database engine and file system.
PrimeBase Open Server 4 cow rating
Popularity: 7 Popularity: 7%
Shareware Console -
This allows PrimeBase applications to connect to alternate data sources through plug-ins.
QLR Manager 4 cow rating
Popularity: 18 Popularity: 18%
See Home Page Console -
This is a server-based report and chart generator for MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL...
SILVERRUN ModelSphere 4 cow rating
Popularity: 100
Shareware - X11
This program combines modeling of processes, data and UML classes and provides a complete...
SoftX Report Writer 4 cow rating
Popularity: 29 Popularity: 29%
Shareware - X11
This is a report writer for people who knows little SQL and no programming.

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