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Name Rating Popularity License Supported platforms
Tcl 5 cow rating
Popularity: 100
Open Source Console -
Tcl provides a portable scripting environment that supports string processing and pattern...
Tk 5 cow rating
Popularity: 67 Popularity: 67%
Open Source Console -
Tk provides portable GUIs.
Visual Tcl 4 cow rating
Popularity: 83 Popularity: 83%
GPL - X11
Visual Tcl is a freely available, high-quality application development environment for...
ActiveTcl 4 cow rating
Popularity: 50 Popularity: 50%
Freeware Console -
This is a distribution of Tcl for Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and Windows.
Tucows Features:
screenshot Aaron's WebVacuum
This program allows you to download pictures and MP3s from Web sites.

screenshot Webroot Window Washer
Wash away all traces of your PC and Internet activity and improve system performance with...

Tcl/Tk Web Browser Plug-in 4 cow rating
Popularity: 33 Popularity: 33%
Open Source Console -
This plugin lets you run Tcl/Tk applications in the Netscape Navigator and Internet...
TclPro 4 cow rating
Popularity: 17 Popularity: 17%
Open Source Console -
The Tcl Dev Kit boosts Tcl programmers' productivity with a code checker and a graphical...
Tcl Dev Kit 4 cow rating
Popularity: 14 Popularity: 14%
Shareware Console -
This package extends and updates the tools found in TclPro.

Copyright 2005 Tucows Inc.