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Name Rating Popularity License Supported platforms
Online Calendar Event Scheduler 3 cow rating
Popularity: 50 Popularity: 50%
Freeware Console -
This is an online calendar and event scheduler.
CyberScheduler 4 cow rating
Popularity: 100
Demo - X11
CyberScheduler for Linux is the ideal internet-based calendaring and scheduling solution...
pcal 4 cow rating
Popularity: 75 Popularity: 75%
Open Source - X11
This program produces Postscript and HTML calendars in which you can place your own...
Wcal 4 cow rating
Popularity: 25 Popularity: 25%
GPL - X11
Wcal features the ability for several users to have their own or shared calendars,...
Tucows Features:
screenshot Aaron's WebVacuum
This program allows you to download pictures and MP3s from Web sites.

screenshot Webroot Window Washer
Wash away all traces of your PC and Internet activity and improve system performance with...

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