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Name Rating Popularity License Supported platforms
Crack Attack
Popularity: 100
GPL Console -
This is an OpenGL clone of Tetris Attack.
gno3dtet 5 cow rating
Popularity: 27 Popularity: 27%
GPL - X11
This is an excellent 3D top-view Tetris game for GNOME.
GTetrinet 4 cow rating
Popularity: 82 Popularity: 82%
GPL - X11
GTetrinet is a clone of the popular Tetrinet game for Win95/NT, a multi-player Tetris game...
Illustrix Dream Pack 4 cow rating
Popularity: 36 Popularity: 36%
Shareware - X11
Your goal is to prevent the board from filling up with the oncoming blocks and to reveal a...
Tucows Features:
screenshot Aaron's WebVacuum
This program allows you to download pictures and MP3s from Web sites.

screenshot Webroot Window Washer
Wash away all traces of your PC and Internet activity and improve system performance with...

Intelligent FRAC 4 cow rating
Popularity: 55 Popularity: 55%
Open Source - X11
This easy-to-play 3D packing game that was originally implemented for MS-DOS by Simsalabim...
ITetris 5 cow rating
Popularity: 91 Popularity: 91%
GPL - X11
Enjoy a classic game, or let the computer do it for you!
Klaks 3 cow rating
Popularity: 18 Popularity: 18%
GPL - X11
This is a Tetris-like game for KDE.
LTris 3 cow rating
Popularity: 45 Popularity: 45%
Freeware - X11
This Tetris clone has nice graphics and effects.
Tetrinet 3 cow rating
Popularity: 64 Popularity: 64%
GPL Console -
Tetrinet is a networked version of the arcade game, Tetris, for Linux.
Triptych 3 cow rating
Popularity: 9 Popularity: 9%
Shareware - X11
You must maneuver and rotate blocks as they fall so that three or more of the same color...
T^3 3 cow rating
Popularity: 73 Popularity: 73%
GPL - X11
This is the 3D extrapolation of Tetris.

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