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Name Rating Popularity License Supported platforms
Hyperplay 4 cow rating
Popularity: 25 Popularity: 25%
GPL - X11
Hyperplay is a GTK+ multimedia authoring engine designed for graphical adventure-style...
The Nebula Device 4 cow rating
Popularity: 75 Popularity: 75%
Freeware - X11
The Nebula Device is a free multi-platform game engine that currently runs under Linux and...
EXULT 3 cow rating
Popularity: 50 Popularity: 50%
GPL Console -
Exult is an Ultima 7 game engine that runs on Linux.
Game Editor 3 cow rating
Popularity: 100
Freeware - X11
This is a multimedia tool for game development, with a comprehensive set of...
Tucows Features:
screenshot Aaron's WebVacuum
This program allows you to download pictures and MP3s from Web sites.

screenshot Webroot Window Washer
Wash away all traces of your PC and Internet activity and improve system performance with...

3DCakeWalk 3 cow rating Newly Added Demo - X11
Plan, design and create game environments complete with animated characters and objects.

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