----- The guest OS ----- _ ____________//_________ | // |" | // |" | || // || |" | //___ |" | |___ | |" | _ || _ |" | \\---___||__--// |" | ---____ __--- |" | \\ |" l______________\\_______l" """""""""""""""\\""""""" The OS running the actual Gopher/HTML server (NetPresenz) is Macintosh System Software 7.5.3. And that is through the BasiliskII 68k Macintosh emulator. I've found that it is better to keep with an not up to date Debian/Raspbian version when dealing with BasiliskII. That is because if it builds fine on nearly all versions, building the Ethernet driver (more on that later) sometimes fails on latest Debian versions. So I keep with an OldStable, or OldOldStable versions, at the time of writing (2022) it is "Stretch". Anyway, building BasiliskII is pretty straightforward, one just have to follow the instructions on this page : https://www.emaculation.com/doku.php/compiling_sheepshaver_basilisk Once it's done, you will need a Macintosh Rom file, available here : https://www.redundantrobot.com/sheepshaver I use the "Performa ROM". BasiliskII settings are done through the ".basilisk_ii_prefs"text file, that will be created the first time you launch the emulator, (note the dot at the start of the file's name, that makes the file invisible in Linux/Unix systems, but doing "ls -a" in your home dir. you will see it's there)... Changes in the emulator settings are done by editing this file. There should also be a Gui for the settings, but it never launch on my system, even though I have this line in the preferences file : nogui false So I'm not sure it builds by default with the compiling instructions given on the Emaculation.com Wiki... But doesn't matter much as this Gui gives much less setting options than editing the Prefs file anyways. Then, you also need disk images. One can find HFS standard disk image of various sizes, even with pre-installed systems, ready for emulators on the Macintosh garden, here : http://macintoshgarden.org/apps/disk-images-emulators and http://macintoshgarden.org/apps/emulator-harddrive-images I use a 300Mb HFS standard disk image to store the System 7.5.3, and all the applications needed. And another 300Mb disk image with System 7.6.1 installed, that can serve as alternative boot drive in case I need to repair the other one. I also use a 4Gb disk image to store all files served by the server. So in the ".basilisk_ii_prefs" file it looks like this : disk /home/galgot/macemu/7.5.3-disk disk /home/galgot/macemu/7.6.1-disk disk /home/galgot/macemu/4Gb-disk BasiliskII then starts the system on the first bootable disk image on the list, here "7.5.3-disk". Note, 4Gb is the maximum size System 7 can use as a disk. I Was able to mount bigger HFS Standard disk images in System 7, but could not write on it. To use bigger disk images, one as to install MacOS 8 and use HFS+. But as I want my system to be as light as possible while still be able to use a good range of applications, I stay in System 7.5.3. And anyway 4Gb is more than enough for my use. Plus, all this stuff runs in a Macintosh classic case, and MacOS 8 wouldn't look good... BasiliskII can mount a shared folder of your choice as a shared drive on the guest system, for my case it mount my home folder, with this line : extfs /home/galgot/ and it appears on the System 7.5.3 desktop as the "Unix" hard drive. That makes exchanging files from Host/Guest super simple. It is not recommended to run applications from the "Unix" drive. screen resolution is set to the same as the host system, by this line : screen dga/640/480 So it start full screen. to start in windowed mode change it to : screen win/640/480 But one can always toggle between full screen and windowed mode with the ctrl + Return keystroke. Network is set by default to SLIRP in BasiliskII. But more on the ways to network BasiliskII later. The RAM for the guest VM is set to 256 Mb, converted to Bytes in binary, it's specified like so : ramsize 268435456 By default, BasiliskII emulates Mac IIci, which is specified in the pref file like so : modelid 5. But I changed that to emulate a Quadra 900, by setting : modelid 14 Runs perfectly with the Performa ROM mentioned above (and support installing MacOS 8 if needed). CPU type is set to a 68040, so : cpu 4 in the pref file. Other than that, I leave the prefs as they are by default. Next, part III, networking BasiliskII. ---