________ _ ____ /_ __/ / (_)__ / __/__ _____ _____ ____ __/ /_/ _ \/ (_-<___\ \/ -_) __/ |/ / -_) __/_ / /_/ /_//_/_/___/ /___/\__/_/ |___/\__/_/ \ ================================================ \\\\__|| -- \| \__/ ---- Playing and setting a HTML and Gopher server on a 86k emulator is fun, but once it runs, the question is, what does I make it serve ?... So for now, let document how I've set it up. At least there will be something to read... Will add more stuff later as I get more ideas. Note this is very BasiliskII/Mac and Linux oriented, as i've never really used Windows, Though some infos may be helpful for running BII on Windows. One should find every web sites mentioned in the following documentation in the "Links" section of this Gopher hole. Some of these links (to GitHub, and others in https) require modern browser though. Also if one sees errors, feel free to give me a shout (at reasonable sound level) on the Macintosh Garden, or MacRumor PPC , or System7Today, or 68Kmla forums, where I go by the "galgot" call sign. ---