===[ Frequently Asked Questions ]======================================= Q: Who are you? A: Shinto, host of the Atari Jaguar Game by Game Podcast Q: Why did you create this site? A: I wanted to be able to provide a single URL for my show, one page that contains all the show information, clean and simple. That way, I'm not reading out Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, blog, Stitcher, etc. URLs at the end of each episode. The URL that came to mind, one I would like to use, was jaguar.gamebygamepodcast.com. It then hit me that other shows could fit in to the same format, (platform_name).gamebygamepodcast.com. I designed a database to store all this information, then went out in search of other podcasts that discuss games for a single platform. Many I already knew about, a few I had to search for. This was time-consuming, finding all the data, but I was excited that the site might be genuinely useful to the retro-gaming podcast community in general. Q: No, not the website www.gamebygamepodcast.com, that makes sense. I mean this Gopher hole. Why, man, WHY?? A: Oh. There's no rational answer to that. I guess I did it because I thought it would be a fun exercise. Q: WAS it a fun exercise? A: *shrug* Q: How often is the data updated? A: Every 12 hours, except for the Jaguar Game by Game Podcast page, which is updated hourly. Because I can. Q: Where are the ads? A: No ads. I do this for the love of retro gaming, not for money. I don't insert ads into the podcasts featured on this site or anything sneaky like that. Besides, ads? On Gopher? Seems wrong. Q: Can you list my podcast? A: Does your show cover a single hardware platform with one or more games per episode? If so, sure! Drop me a line! The e-mail address is admin@gamebygamepodcast.com Q: What if there is already a podcast for that platform? A: I'm happy to list you, but please understand that the (platform_name).gamebygamepodcast.com URLs are first-come, first-served. You'll have to settle for a subdirectory (like gamebygamepodcast.com/your-show-name). For Gopher, I guess that means a nicer, easier path name, like /1/2600 or /1/gameboy or whatever first-come, first-served, versus a tricker path name like /1/the-5200-super-community Q: What is UTC and why do all your dates/times refer to it? A: UTC, or Coordinated Universal Time, is one time zone for the entire planet, which does not suffer from semiannual time changes (Daylight Saving Time, Summer Time, etc.). If I'm going to list some dates or times in any time zone, this one makes the most sense to me. Q: How can I thank you or pay you for this service? A: Ha! That's funny. Q: Do people actually ask all these questions? A: Other than the first one, no. :)