You can't take that with you!You can't take that with you!You can't take that with you!You can only take objects.You can't take things from that!You can't open that.You can't open that.You can't open anything with that.You can only close objects.You can't close that.You can't close anything with that.You can't lock that.You can't lock that.You can't lock anything with that.You can't lock that.You can't lock that.You can't lock anything with that.You can't eat that!You can't drink that!You can only throw objects.You can only throw objects.You can't throw anything at that.You can't be serious.You can't throw anything to that.Don't be silly.You can't throw anything in that.You can't push that.You can't push that.You can use only objects to push things with.You can't touch that.You can't touch that.You can use only objects to touch with.You can't examine that!You can't examine that!You can't look inside that.You can't search that!You can't do that!You can't do that!You can't read that.You can't put that anywhere .You can't put that anywhere.You can't put anything in that.You can't put that anywhere.You can't put anything in that.You can't put that anywhere.You can't put anything in that.You can't put that anywhere.You can't put anything in that.You can't put that anywhere.You can't put anything in that.You can only give away objects.You can't give things to that!You can't say that.You can't say that.You can't talk to that.You can't ask about that.You can't talk to that.You can't ask about that.You can't talk to that.You can't ask about that.You can't talk to that.You can't talk to that.You can't attack that.You can't attack that.No point attacking anything with that!You can't shoot at that.You can't shoot at that.You can't shoot that.You can't shoot at that.You can't shoot that.You can't shoot at that.You can't kiss that!You can't turn that on.You can't turn that on.You can't switch that on.You can't switch that on.You can't turn that off.You can't turn that off.You can't switch that off.You can't switch that off.Yo u can't listen to that!You can't smell that!You can't knock on that!You can't jump on that!You can't wear that.You can't wear that.You can't wear that.You can't remove that.You can't remove that.You can't remove that.You lash out for the $o and miss.Taken.You can't take that!You've already got that - you're wearing that.You've already got that.That is too heavy to lift.Dropped.You aren't carrying that.You can't take things from yourself!You takethe $1$$.The $2won't let you takethe $1$$.You already havethe $1$$.is now open.The $o is now open.You can't open that!It's already open.It's locked.You can't openthe $1withthe $2$$.You don't havethe $2$$.is now closed.The $o is now closed.You can't close that.It is already closed.It's locked.You can't closewiththe $1 withthe $2$$.You don't havethe $2$$.is now locked.The $o is now locked.You can't lock that!It's already now locked.The $o is now locked.You can't lock that!It's already locked.You don't havethe $2$$.is now unlocked.The $o is now unlocked.You can 't unlock that!It's already now unlocked.The $o is now unlocked.You can't unlock that!It's already unlocked.You don't havethe $2$$.You eatthe $o$$.You can't eat that!You drinkthe $o$$.That is not drinkable.You can't throw very far,ends up on the ground.the $1 ends up on the ground.You haven't got that!bounces harmlessly offThe $1 bounces harmlessly offand ends up on the ground.the $2 and ends up on the ground.You haven't got that!You are carryingthe $2$$!Done.You haven't got that!Now, that would be a good trick!You pushthe $1$$.You can't push that.Usingyou pushthe $2 you pushthe $1$$.You can't push that.You touchthe $1$$.You can't touch that.You touchwiththe $1 withthe $2$$.You can't touch that.It doesn't make sense to touch something with itself.You can't examinethe $o$$.There is nothing special aboutthe $o$$.You can't look insidethe $o$$.You find nothing of interest.You can't searchthe $o$$!You look behind the $o. You find nothing of interest.You can't do that!You bend down and peer under the $ o. You find nothing of interest.You can't do that!You are in perfect health.You are in good health.You are in poor health.You are in very poor health.You readthe $1$$.There is nothing written onthe $1$$.Dropped.You haven't got that.You haven't gotthe $1$$!You can't put something into itself!Done.You haven't gotthe $1$$!You are carryingthe $2$$!You can't put something into itself!You already havethe $o$$!You givetothe $1 tothe $2$$.You don't havethe $1$$.You make a lot of noise but your throat quickly becomes sore.$o? That's a nice word!doesn't seem interested.The $2 doesn't seem interested.You can't talk to that.says "I don't know anything aboutThe $1 says "I don't know anything aboutthem!"that!"You can't talk to that."I don't think I need to know aboutthe $2," saysthe $1$$.You can't talk to that.looks at you, seemingly wondering if you have anything specific to talk about.The $1 looks at you, seemingly wondering if you have anything specific to talk about.You can't talk to that.What do you want to attackwit h?the $o with?The $2 swings through the air, making a swishing noise that bodes bloody carnage.$pYou practice your fighting technique onthe $1.You don't have that object to attack with.No point attacking anything with that! Don't you have a melee weapon?A difficult task, but one you bring your whole force to bear upon. Terminally.$nYou need to specify what to shoot at.You need to specify what gun you want to shootwith.the $o with.You need to specify what you want to shootwith.the $o with.You squeeze the trigger.You don't have that.You can't shoot anything with that. Don't you have a gun?You put the $o to your head and squeeze the trigger in the hope of meeting Jesus.You squeeze the trigger.You don't have that.You can't shoot anything with that. Don't you have a gun?Well, if you must!You kissthe $1$$. It doesn't kiss you back and you are left feeling unloved and alone.avoids your advances.The $o avoids your advances.You turn on$$.the $o.You can't turn that on.It's already on.You turn offthe $o$$.You can't tur n that off.It's already off.You listen tothe $1$$.You hear nothing unusual.You smell nothing unusual.You smellthe $1$$.You knock onthe $1$$.You need to specify what you want to knock on.You can't jump on that!You can't jump on that while it's in your Inventory!You jump up and down.(You pickup.)$nthe $o up.)$nYou put onthe $o$$.You can't wearthe $o$$.You are already wearingthe $o$$.You can't pickup.the $o up.You take offthe $o$$.You are not wearingthe $o$$.You kick the $o for a while, but your foot gets sore.In this game I am your eyes and your body. I will describe the surroundings for you. You tell me what you want to do. For example if you want to go north, then type 'north'. But there are a lot of other things you may do, like picking up things, examining them, opening doors and so on. Try anything you would do if you really were standing here!$pRemember to study the descriptions very carefully, they are sure to contain clues! $p'score' may be used to see how well you are doing. 'save' and 'restore' allow s you to save a game and restore it later. $pGood Luck!! You'll need it!Try looking at, in, under and behind everything.The author retains the copyright to this game. $pThis game was written using the ALAN Adventure Language. ALAN is an interactive fiction authoring system by Thomas Nilsson $nemail address: $pFurther information about the ALAN system can be obtained from the World Wide Web Internet site $i mode is now on.Brief mode is now on. Location descriptions will only be shown the first time you visit.Please write the full 'quit' command to exit from the game. $p(You can't undo a quit instruction. So to avoid accidentally exiting the game by typing 'q' when you meant to do something else, you must write the 'quit' command in full.)Done.Done.$nTime passes...The 'again' command is not available, sorry. You can probably use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through your previous commands (unless you're using the MSDOS interpreter in which case you can press the F3 key to repeat your last command.)Unfortunately you cannot 'undo' commands in this game.Thank you! I'd like to thank God, Jesus Christ Almighty...You laugh until you're nearly sick, but I don't see what's so funny.That's absolutely disgusting! Stop it this instant!In your wish to escape this life, you beat your head repeatedly against the nearest wall you find until you knock yourself unconscious. When you come to, you repeat this process, terminally.You can't carry anything more. You have to drop something first.You can't carry anything more. You have to drop something first.inventoryYou are carrying:$nYou are empty-handed.You can't wear anything more. You have to remove something first.You can't wear anything more. You have to remove something first.worn$pYou are wearing:$nTerry is carryingTerry is not carrying machineThis machine is made by a popular instant coffee manufacturer which might or might not be Nescafe. It offers white or black coffee, availiable by pres sing a white or black button. There is a receptacle for drinks.You bend down and peer under the $o. There's a key here! It has a red keyring.You can't do that.You don't have the $1.receptacleYou can't put that in the buttonIt's black. If you push it you can get some black coffee.You haven't drunk the first coffee yet!A scalding cup of black coffee appears.white buttonIt's white. If you push it you can get some white coffee.You haven't drunk the first coffee yet!A hot cup of white coffee appears.There is a cup of black coffee in the coffeeThe plastic cup contains scalding black coffee.The black coffee is very hot and burns your tongue, but the caffeine makes you feel perkier and more alert.You try to put the cup of coffee down, but fumble it and spill the coffee. In irritation, you step on the plastic cup, crushing it.You try to put the cup of coffee down, but fumble it and spill the coffee. In irritation, you step on the plastic cup, crushing it.You kick the cup of coffee ov er and spill the coffee. You crush the cup too, just for kicks.There is a cup of black coffee in the receptacle.white coffeeThe plastic cup contains hot white coffee.The white coffee is hot and tastes like dirt, but the caffeine makes you feel perkier and more alertYou try to put the cup of coffee on the floor, but fumble it and spill the coffee. In irritation, you step on the plastic cup, crushing it.You try to put the cup of coffee down, but fumble it and spill the coffee. In irritation, you step on the plastic cup, crushing it.You kick the cup of coffee over and spill the coffee. You crush the cup too, just for kicks.The cell door north of you is painted a darker shade of grey than the walls.grey cell doorThe door south of you is painted a darker shade of grey than the walls.grey cell doorThe door east of you is made of metal and heavily armoured.armoured metal doorThe door that you first came through is made of metal and heavily armoured.armoured metal doorThe grey door to the east is covered in very red blood;grey bloody doorThe door that you originally came from is black on this doorThe door south of you is bright red and has a sign on it.bright red armoury doorYou open the door.You don't have the right key.You don't have the right key.The door north of you is bright red and the only way out.bright red armoury doorYou don't have the right key.You don't have the right key.double swing doorWith the thrill of playing soldiers you kick open the door, screaming 'Breach!'. The door is now open.You can't do that while you're fighting Terry!Hmm... That didn't open the doors.There are two double doors in the southeast of the room.double swing doorYou can't open the doors. They are jammed from the other side. Try going around some other way.The doors aren't locked but jammed from the other side. Try going around some other way.There is an expensive oak door leading back to out to the corridor in the west of the room.expensive oak doorThere is an expensive oak door leading to an office in the east of the corridor. $nOn it is written: 'T. Parker's Office'expensive oak doorThere is a green door that leads out onto the street to the doorThere is a padlock on the green door. The chain is thick and strong but the padlock itself is a little rusty.You can't open the door while it's padlocked.There is a padlock on the door and you don't have a key.$pThe padlock falls broken to the floor. You open the green door and step through into the cold dark night... $p YOU HAVE COMPLETED ZERO ONE THUS FAR! $P$tDid you try: $nJumping on things esp. yourself, the tables & desks, the body, and just jumping? $nEating and drinking things, esp. contents of drawer and lunchbox? $nUsing all the items in the drawer to attack terry? $nTo 'escape'? $nDrinking the coffee? $nShouting or screaming? $nKicking things esp. yourself and the body? $nTaking and eating/drinking your own vomit? $p ZERO ONE is not yet finished... Expect a return!$n$pThe padlock falls broken to the floor. You open the green door and step through into the cold dark night... $p YOU HAVE COMPLETED ZERO ONE THUS FAR! $P$tDid you try: $nJumping on things esp. yourself, the tables & desks, the body, and just jumping? $nEating and drinking things, esp. contents of drawer and lunchbox? $nUsing all the items in the drawer to attack terry? $nTo 'escape'? $nDrinking the coffee? $nShouting or screaming? $nKicking things esp. yourself and the body? $nTaking and eating/drinking your own vomit? $p ZERO ONE is not yet finished... Expect a return!$npadlockThere is a padlock on the green door. The chain is thick and strong but the padlock itself is a little rusty.$pThe padlock falls broken to the floor. You open the green door and step through into the cold dark night... $p YOU HAVE COMPLETED ZERO ONE THUS FAR! $P$tDid you try: $nJumping on things esp. yourself, the tables & desks, the body, and just jumping? $nEating and drinking things, esp. contents of drawer and lunchbox? $nUsing all the items in the drawer to attack terry? $nTo 'escape'? $nDrinking the coffee? $nShouting or screaming? $nKicking things esp. yourself and the body? $nTaking and eating/drinking your own vomit? $p ZERO ONE is not yet finished... Expect a return!$n$pThe padlock falls broken to the floor. You open the green door and step through into the cold dark night... $p YOU HAVE COMPLETED ZERO ONE THUS FAR! $P$tDid you try: $nJumping on things esp. yourself, the tables & desks, the body, and just jumping? $nEating and drinking things, esp. contents of drawer and lunchbox? $nUsing all the items in the drawer to attack terry? $nTo 'escape'? $nDrinking the coffee? $nShouting or screaming? $nKicking things esp. yourself and the body? $nTaking and eating/drinking your own vomit? $p ZERO ONE is not yet finished... Expect a return!$nThere is a pool of blood coming from under the door.bloodBlood has been seeping from some source on the other side of this door for some hours and has already started to dry. There is an awful lot of blood here. It smells bad and makes you faintly sick.Unfortunately, it isn't sticky eno ugh, and you slip. Your spectacular backwards fall does you a minor injury.$nBe more careful in future.There is a bloody mangled corpse behind the door!bloody mangled corpseThe body is wearing a blue uniform you don't recognise. $pHe no longer boasts a head, and there are several small holes in his chest. Evidently he is the source of all the blood. $nThere is a small stainless steel key attached to his belt.The body is wearing a security guard's uniform you don't recognise. $pHe no longer boasts a head, and there are several small holes in his chest. Evidently he is the source of all the blood.$nYou are very sick all over the floor.You can't put anything in the body. It's just much too unpleasant to bear thought.You don't have the $1.You kick poor Barney. You rather enjoy it and kick him until he's had enough.You straddle the corpse.$The poor man's bleeding; how was it for you?You have been sick on the floor (You must have eaten carrots yesterday).vomitIt tastes so foul you're nearly sick again!It tastes so foul you're nearly sick again!How? In your pocket, perhaps. Perhaps in your mouth.You jump on the vomit and succeed only in dirtying your shoes.You must have eaten carrots yesterday!small stainless steel keyThe key is small and made of stainless steel.Don't leave that! You'll probably need it.A helmet, once belonging to the dead man, is on the floor.helmetThe inside of the helmet is covered in blood and fragments of skull and brain, and just looking at it makes you retch.$nIt is just as well your squeamishness is leaving you , because you may be seeing lots of this kind of thing and we can't have you being sick all the time.$pThe helmet looks like it would provide good head protection if worn.You have some head protection! Good start!The helmet rattles around the room.The tables are long, made of plastic and nailed to the floor.long tableThat was fun!$nAfter a few exhilerating moments on the table, you step off.There are monitor screens on the desk.monitor screenLooking at the screens, you can see a man exa mining a coffee machine.$nHe is wearing a black t-shirt and baseball cap (backwards), and is carrying a lead pipe. He looks thuggish and rather unfriendly.There are monitor screens on the desk.deskYou hit your head on the ceiling and, bruised, fall back to the floor.signThe sign says: $p'Authorised Access Only! $nARMOURY'The sign says: $pAuthorised Access Only! $nARMOURYred keyThe keyring is red.snack machineThere is a piece of paper taped to the snack machine. It says: $n OUT OF ORDERIn irritation at being denied a bite to eat, you kick the snack machine with full force. $nThe ferocity of your kick was such that the snack machine buckles. Bits start falling off, a loud 'PING!' noise can be heard, and the snack machine disingrates before your eyes.potdrawer(Opening the drawer.)$n$nred lunch boxYou try to put the $o in the red lunch box.$nHowever, in response to the 9/11 attack, it has been installed with a Security Device designed to prevent unauthorised persons from filling the lunch box! It spontaneously c ombusts, along with its contents.The lunch box is red.Judging by the weight of the luncbox, it isn't empty.There's a cheeseburger in the red lunch box.cheese burgerThe tasty-looking burger comes from 'Big Wahuna Burger'.$nThat WAS a tasty burger! If you haven't already, why not have some beverage to wash it down?The burger flies across the room.There's a cup of Sprite in the red lunch box.cup of spriteThe cup contains Sprite.$nThe Sprite is perfect to wash down the burger, and tastes good too!You kick the cup of Sprite and spill the Sprite. You crush the cup too, just for kicks.portraitThere is no indication as to who the painting is of or who it is by. The portrait is of a tall thin white man wearing a blue suit, probably in his thirties or forties. The man is smiling enigmatically. He is standing in the Arizona Desert, holding a black briefcase. $nOn the briefcase, strangely, is a Biohazard symbol.There is an expensive desk here.expensive mahogany deskApart from the obvious worth of the desk, there is noth ing special about the desk. There is nothing on the desk.You jump on the $o. It isn't very exciting being on this desk, so you climb down.There is a bundle of money in the lock box.bundle of moneyWhat the hell did you do that for? The money doesn't taste very nice and is hardly nutritious.It is worth 40 pounds! Good initiative!small metal boxThe box is small, made of metal and has a small steel keyhole.You can't see that.You open the box.$nYou don't have the right key.You open the box.$nThat's the wrong key.letterThe letter is made of expensive thick paper. It is dated yesterday. $nThere is a handwritten scrawl on the back.$p'Terry, $nIt is very helpful of you to take my two test subjects for a while. $nI hope your detention center is too far from Carver's reaches and that they will be secure here. $nRegarding your debt, this favour repays it in full. Those two must stay there until the foreign specialists can fly in for the beginning of the operation. $nHope this letter finds you and your business well. $n$ tGary Butcher $nPS I heard the male one is quite a beaut. Just don't damage him, you old queer!' $pOn the back is written in biro: $n'Note to self: armoury key where??? think lost in snack room?'It doesn't taste very nice, but then, it WAS rather silly to eat it.mirrorYou look at your own reflection in the mirror. $pYou haven't shaved or washed in a few days, and you are wearing a blue tracksuit and a helmet. The clothes aren't really yours, but you're wearing them anyway.. They're not really yours, but you're wearing them anyway.To your amazement and dismay, you see that '01' has been tatooed on your forehead. $pThere is a tiny handle on one side of the mirror.There is a small metal box behind the mirror.There is a small metal box behind the track suitThe tracksuit is sky blue and has a black stripe running down each side of it.You can't take that off! Do you want to go around naked or what?!rackThe rack is empty. It is not secured to the wall.The rack is secured to the floor.The rack is emptyYo u find a pistol magazine and a Beretta!You find a pistol magazine!You find a Beretta!There's nothing behind the rack.Surely not! You're bound to lose it!You can't do that! The rack is secured to the floor.You can't do that.There are some spent shell casings scattered about.There are a couple of empty shells on the floor.spent casingThere are three bullet holes in one wall.bullet holeYou can hear a conversation from the Corridor.conversationYou put your ear to the door and listen... $nYou can hear a man speaking. His voice sounds foreign, eastern European perhaps, and he says: $p$t'...of them shall we take, Mr. Parker?' $pAnother voice, that of, presumably, Mr. Parker, replies: $n$t'Take her, that one. I want to keep the first one for... for... personal reasons.' $p$t'Right! Get her you two, and leave the first one. Don't worry, we'll be back for him soon!' $pYou can hear the door of the adjacent cell being unlocked and opened, and then the sound of dragging feet and receding footsteps. $pYou step back from t he door and wait. Time passes... $nBefore long, however, you can hear a cry, and the sound of several gunshots being fired! The footsteps frantically come closer, bringing with them more gunshots and curses. $nThree bullets splinter through the door in quick succession, one of them taking out the lock on the other side, and then terrifyingly ricocheting around the cell. $pThe bullet comes to rest six inches from your head; you can see the hole smoking. You pass out from shock and exhaustion... $p$pTime passes... $p$pYou awake. Unsure of what just happened or why you have found yourself here, you climb to your feet and open your eyes...There is a sharp carving knife here.carving knifeYou try your very best to eat the knife without harming yourself, but you are not an expert in such matters, and unfortunately, you accidentally brutally cut your head off.The carving knife is extremely sharp. The blade is seven inches long, and the handle is made of polished hardwood. As a weapon... lethal.There is a tea spoon h ere.tea spoonYou don't know why you did that, and it didn't taste very nice either.It's a small stainless steel tea spoon. As a weapon... useless. Utterly useless.Um... There's a dead trout here too.wet troutRaw. You wipe the blood off your lips.It's a dead wet fish. Why someone would put it in a drawer in a kitchen is a mystery.$nAs a weapon... pathetic.There is a pistol magazine here.pistol magazineThe magazine slides across the floor.You can't kick the magazine while it's in the Beretta.This magazine would fit a Beretta 92FS. However, it is empty.However, it is almost empty.You needn't worry about reloading yet.Fortunately, it is almost fullFortunately, it is full.There is a Beretta 92FS here.berettaThe Beretta slides across the floor.This is a black Beretta 92FS. There is a magazine in it.$p*Click!*$pYour magazine is empty! Better reload!$p$t$tBang!$pYou have fired a round from the Beretta.The Beretta doesn't have a magazine in it.Lock and Load!You can't put anything in the Beretta apart from a pistol ma gazine.$p*Click!*$pYour magazine is empty! Better reload!$p$t$tBang!$pYou have fired a round from the Beretta.The Beretta doesn't have a magazine in it.lead pipeThe pipe is a foot long, heavy and thick. It would give anyone a nasty knock if they were hit with it.You can't take the pipe off Terry while he's holding it.You try to wrestle the lead pipe from him, but he avoids you.NowhereCellThe cell you are in is exactly seven feet square and the walls are painted in institution grey.$n$nThe door's closed.CorridorThe corridor is not long, and leads east. There are other similar cells on this corridor, but they are all completely empty.$n$nThe door is closed.The door is closed.Security RoomThis room is where a guard would sit and oversee the building.$n$nThe door is closed.The door is closed.Dining HallThis room is quite large, and contains two long tables. It is clearly a dining hall.$n$nThere is a kitchen to the east.The door is closed.The door is locked.The door is not locked but jammed from the other side. T ry going around.The door is padlocked.ArmouryThis room is small and contains racks for firearms and ammunition of all sorts. However, all the racks are empty. The armoury is cleared out, and not one useful object can you see.$n$nThe door is locked. There must be a key not far from here.KitchenIn the kitchen you can see several pots and pans, also a drawer and a lunchbox on the counter.$n$nThere is a corridor to the east and the Dining Hall to the west.$nSnack RoomThe presence of several snack-dispensing machines gives you a fair idea of this room's function. There is a coffee machineand a snack machine$n$nRound the corner to the north is the plush corridor.There is a double swing door in the northwest of the room.There is a double swing door in the northwest of the room, hanging open.You can't escape while you're fighting Terry!It's jammed. You'll have to use more forceful means to open them.You can't escape while you're fighting Terry!Plush CorridorThis corridor is carpeted, and the walls are pai nted to look like green marble. There is a portrait on the wall.$n$nThere is a kitchen to the west, and a snack room round the corner to the south.The door's closed.OfficeThe office is large and expensively decorated. The carpet, walls, and ceiling give the impression of little expense being spared to give the impression that no expense had been spared.$n$nThe door's closed.HeroYou are in perfect health.You are in good health.You are in poor health.You are in very poor health.You kick yourself on the shin, and hop in around in agony for a while. When the pain subsides, you kick yourself for doing something so stupid.You jump on yourself, and bear yourself to the ground!$pFeeling foolish and sore, you stand up$nTerry turns in amazement, and swings his lead pipe at your head!$pThe lead pipe crashes on your helmet, sending you reeling but unhurt.The crunch of the lead pipe making contact with your head can be felt all over your body...$nYou can hear several loud cracks as the pipe fractures your skull... $nYou black out.$n$pTerry is here, and he is surprised to see you!$pTerry hits you with his lead pipe! It wounds you!$pTerry hits you with his lead pipe!$pYou pass out from the pain!Terry is trying to beat you to death!Terry drops the pipe in shock, and stares at you hungrily.Terry is beginning to remove his trousers! If you don't act fast he'll take advantage of you!Bugger!Terry is clearly overcome by emotion!TerryTerry is tall and muscular. He is wearing a very tight black t-shirt, and a baseball cap on backwards.Terry is dead, due to a brutal and bloody knife wound in his chest.You kick Terry on the shin but it doesn't seem to hurt him.You try to bear Terry to the ground but he is stronger than you and throws you off him.You run Terry through with the $2, twist it and withdraw! Blood covers the $2 and drips onto the floor. $nYou killed Terry! I hope you feel suitably guilty. $nThe pipe drops from Terry's lifeless fingers.You tap Terry on the head with the $2. Apart from an almost inaudible 'phut' sound, nothing else is acheived.You smack Terry round the face with the $2. It may damage his pride, but it certainly doesn't hurt him.Terry twitches, but is definitely dead.You $v Terry.Terry is here$$ but he is dead.!$p*** YOU HAVE DIED ***$nHuh?I don't understand.I don't know what you mean by 'all'.I don't know what you mean by 'it'.I don't know what you mean by 'them'.You can't refer to multiple objects with '$v'.I can't guess what you want to $v.You must supply a noun.You must give an object after 'but'.You can only use 'but' after 'all'.That doesn't leave much to $v!I don't know which $1 you mean.I can't see any $1 here.You can't go that way.You can't do that.You can't $v the $1.There is nothing here that you can $v.There is$$, and here.Thecontains, and $$.Theis empty.You have scoredpoints out ofI don't know that word.(again)Enter file name to save inThat file already exists, overwrite (RETURN confirms) ? Sorry, save failed.Sorry, could not open that save file.Sorry, the save file was created by a diff erent version.Sorry, the save file did not contain a save for this adventure.Enter file name to restore fromAre you sure (RETURN confirms) ? Do you want to RESTART, RESTORE or QUIT ? aAdventure made by Edward Plant, began on 22/11/03. BETA VERSION VER 1.2 $p *** ZERO ONE *** $p