DEATH OF SCHLIG by Peter Timony Story by Peter and Bobby Timony Cover art by Bobby Timony ?2011 Twin Comics PLAYTESTERS Bobby Timony David Nitkithser Finn Rosenloev Sean Kleefeld Walkthrough >get all >turn on slicer >cut ham >g >g >flip switch >open crate >get all >wear jacket >put all in pocket >z >z >z >attack alien >get all >unlock box with key >open box >get remote >press button >listen >get gun >shoot gun >get up (At this point in the game, there are two random patrollers moving throuout the map. They are the Guard and the Sentry. If either one catches you, you will be sent to the Throne room for a cut scene, and offered a Y/N choice. Either way, you will end up in the meat locker. Resume play from there, adjusting direction accordingly. You can scout ahead for guards by extending your left or right eye into other rooms. Refer to map provided below.) >n (Southern Hallway) >n (Northern Hallway) >w (Kitchen) >w (Meat Locker) >get all >e (Kitchen) >put cheese in stew t or right) eye >get key >retract (left or right) eye >ne (Grand Dining Room) >flip white switch >shoot guard >flip green switch >shoot gun >get emblem >s (Northern Hallway) >e (Cargo Bay 1) >unlock saturn door with emblem >n (Supply Closet) >flip yellow switch >shoot gun >get teal key >s (Cargo Bay 1) >s (Cargo Bay 2) >unlock green door with brass key >s (Fuel Storage) >open box >get kittens >n (Cargo Bay 2) >n (Cargo Bay 1) >put kittens in tank >open spaceship >enter spaceship >put teal key in ignition >turn teal key >press round button THE END The Map: THRONE ROOM | | DINING ROOM SUPPLY CLOSET / | | / | | MEAT LOCKER --- KITCHEN --- N. HALLWAY --- CARGO BAY 1 | | | | | | PANTRY S.HALLWAY --- CARGO BAY 2 | | | | LAB FUEL STORAGE Perfect score: 5 points for entering the Trunk 5 points for entering the Lab 1 point for getting each of these objects: gray gun Emblem brass key teal key kittens fedora hat trench coat remote control shmelnix 1 point for each of these actions: cutting the cheese examining the rowdy teens wearing fedora hat wearing trench coat attacking the alien in the Trunk eating a slug using freeze ray using heat ray using gun as a flashlight extending left eye extending right eye reading the commandments examining the velvet Elvis cooking up a cheesy stew Òsporgulate the shmelnix" sporgulating the shmelnix in front of an alien attacking a guard farting at the dinner table sacrificing kitties turning on ignition launching spaceship DEATH TOTAL: 45 POINTS