Walkthrough for "Kissing the Buddha's Feet" There are six distractions you have to get rid of to win the game. They are: the wind coming through the open/broken window in John's room the loud TV set Alice and Carl Evan Bob the leaky pipes The distractions may be handled in any order, although most players probably won't find out about the leaky pipes until the very end, since they can't be heard while another distraction is around. The Wind -------- Get the cookie dough from the refrigerator. Go to John's room. Close the window. Put the cookie dough in the hole in the window. The TV ------ Go to John's closet. Wear the catcher's mitt. Go to the living room. Search the junk pile. Press the power button on the remote that you find. Alice and Carl -------------- Go to John's room. Open the desk and get the coupon book. Go into John's closet and get the skateboard. Go to the bathroom and get the towel. Go to the living room. Listen to what Alice is talking about to determine which food she wants to eat that night, and give her the corresponding coupon from the appropriate restaurant. Then give her the towel, and then the skateboard. Evan ---- Go to John's room. Get the trivia game on the desk. Get the duct tape from the broken models. Put the duct tape on the game's speaker. Give the game to Evan. Bob --- Get the wrapper from the wastebasket in John's room. Ask Evan about the wrapper; he will tell you which chocolate has which filling. (If he can't answer you because he's playing the game, take the game from him. You can give it to him again.) Make a note of which one is filled with cherry liqueur. (This will change after restores and undoes.) Go to the kitchen and get the appropriate chocolate from the box. Give the chocolate to Bob. Go to your room. Push the swivel chair to where Bob fell. Get Bob and put him on the chair. Push the chair to your closet. Leave the closet and close the door. The Leaky Pipes --------------- Get the wrench from your closet. Go to the kitchen. Look at the sink, then open the cabinet underneath it. Tighten the pipes. Go to the bathroom. Open the cabinet under the sink and tighten the pipes there. Push the swivel chair to the bathroom and stand on it. Tighten the pipes on the ceiling. For Your Amusement ------------------ Have you tried... asking John, Evan, and Alice about everything? asking Bob about beer, the refrigerator, etc. attacking, kissing, insulting everyone? Ordering them to do things? putting Bob in various containers? playing the trivia game? swearing? XYZZY? jumping? yelling? eating the dough? a chocolate? the soup? drinking the 'beer'? quizzing John? asking Evan about the vase? multiple times? taking or turning off Alice's radio? riding the skateboard? leaving it in a room and waiting for Bob to walk by? sitting, looking under, or searching on all the chairs and sofas? looking under, searching, lying, sitting, or standing on the beds? making the beds? reading the coupons? watching the TV? unplugging it? giving a chocolate to Bob in one of the closets? smelling everything? standing on the bathroom sink or the toilet? taking a shower? turning on the stove? When Bob is around? SCORE? quitting the game in the living room?