program NEWFORE ( input, output ); label 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110, 111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120, 121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130, 131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140, 141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150, 151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160, 161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170, 171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180, 181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,888; type string = varying [20] of char; var POINT: integer; SKILL,HUGENESS,TITSIZE,CUNTLENGTH,WAISTSIZE,HIPSIZE: real; ACTION,ANS2,ANS3F,BOOZE,COMFORTSTATION,CUNT, DRINKNAME,DRINKSURE,DRUGS,DUMMY,FUCK,GENDER, GIGOLO,GROPE,JUNK,MOVE,NOWWHAT,OHMYWHATTODO, ORGASM,REPLY5F,REPLY6F,REPLY7F,REPLY8F,REPLY9F, SEX,STBRPROB,TERM,novar: string; procedure vmfclear; var i : integer; begin write( chr(12) ); end; procedure sleep(i:integer); procedure lib$wait(var i:integer); external; begin lib$wait(i); end; procedure type3; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); end; procedure begtype7; begin writeln(' THE NEW AND IMPROVED VERSION OF'); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(' *** FOREPLAY ***'); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(' COMPLETE WITH SECTIONS FOR BOTH SEXES'); end; procedure type22; begin writeln(''); writeln('WARNING'); writeln('THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS LANGUAGE AND CONCEPTS THAT ARE ', 'NOT ACCEPTABLE'); writeln('TO ALL. USER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.'); end; procedure begtype29; begin writeln('Welcome to ForePlay! The object of the game is to score'); writeln('as many Arousal Points as possible without achieving'); writeln('orgasm. Once you have accumulated ten arousal points', ' you can'); writeln('advance to the bonus intercourse game.'); end; procedure type35; begin writeln(''); writeln('Please input your gender (M or F):'); end; procedure type40; begin writeln('You disgusting pervert! If you''re not an', ' M or an F, what the'); writeln('hell are you! Blech! Don''t ever play this game again.'); end; procedure type44; begin writeln('Input your skill level (1 to 10):'); end; procedure begtype50; begin writeln('Ahhhh! First time, eh? Here''s a tip...'); writeln('NEVER say ''Yech! Why the hell am I doing this!'''); writeln(' OR'); writeln(' ''But it smells funny!'''); end; procedure type58; begin writeln('Hope you''ll do better than last ', 'time. Your previous performance was...'); writeln('shall we say, limp.'); end; procedure type62; begin writeln('If your''re so fucking good, you c', 'ould have more fun masturbating.'); writeln('Here''s a box of tissues.'); end; procedure type66; begin writeln('Input organ size in inches.'); end; procedure type73; begin writeln('Input name of sex partner.'); end; procedure type77; begin writeln('One begins ForePlay by buying ', CUNT,' a drink. Whe', 're are your manners?'); end; procedure begtype80; begin writeln('Input drink name from following menu:'); writeln(' Martini'); writeln(' Wine'); writeln(' Screwdriver'); writeln(' Beer'); writeln(' Everclear'); end; procedure type90; begin writeln(' ', DRINKNAME,' ? Are you sure?'); end; procedure type99; begin writeln(' ', CUNT,' has very plebeian tastes.'); writeln('She hates ', DRINKNAME,' .'); end; procedure begtype103; begin writeln('"Oh wow, that''s cool! (pant, pant) Everything seems t', 'o be blurring...ONE'); writeln('AROUSAL POINT...what are you doing?...O', 'oh...ah...TWO AROUSAL POINTS...'); writeln('Mmmmmmmmmm..."(faints)...(heartbeat stops.)'); end; procedure type108; begin writeln(' ', CUNT,' has died of an overdose. Your arousal'); writeln('points have been cancelled.'); end; procedure type112; begin writeln('Most women don''t drink beer. As a matter of ', 'fact, ', CUNT,' doesn''t'); writeln('like beer one little bit. She th', 'inks you are one cheap son of a'); writeln('bitch who wants cheap ass. If so, buy h', 'er EVERCLEAR. If not,'); writeln('spend the money, at least buy her a mixed drink.'); end; procedure type119; begin writeln('Shrewd choice. Simple yet elegant. And the bottle ', 'is phallic.'); writeln('ONE AROUSAL POINT.'); end; procedure type122; begin writeln(' ', POINT,' so far.'); end; procedure begtype124; begin writeln('She has invited you back to her place', '. You put on some light jazz, dim'); writeln('the lights and edge closer to her on the cou', 'ch. She suggests that you'); writeln('smoke some marijuana. You:'); writeln(' AGREE'); writeln(' IGNORE the suggestion and put your arm around her'); writeln(' SAY "I don''t smoke, thank you."'); writeln(' OFFER some cocaine of your own'); end; procedure type142; begin writeln('That''s rude. You get a slap i', 'n the face for your pains and the'); writeln('rating of "Skill Level 2."'); end; procedure type146; begin writeln('TWO AROUSAL POINTS.'); end; procedure type150; begin writeln('ONE AROUSAL POINT. You have ', POINT,' so far.'); end; procedure type152; begin writeln('Now ', CUNT,' turns down the lights an', 'd says she is going to slip'); end; procedure begtype153; begin writeln('into something more ''comfortable.'' You:'); writeln(' FOLLOW her into the bedroom'); writeln(' WAIT on the couch'); writeln(' LEAVE the apartment'); writeln(' REMOVE all your clothes and hide behind the door.'); end; procedure type168; begin writeln('What?'); end; procedure type174; begin writeln(' ', CUNT,' walks out of the bedroom, s', 'ees you standing there naked,'); writeln('with your ', HUGENESS,' inch penis hanging half', '-limp, and starts'); writeln('laughing uncontrollably. You lose all your arousal points'); writeln('and decide you had better leave quickly. ', 'Tough luck, weirdo!'); end; procedure type180; begin writeln(' ', CUNT,' walks out of the bedroom, sees you standing the', 're naked,'); writeln('with your gorgeous ', HUGENESS,' inch penis standing ', 'stiff and erect,'); writeln('murmurs "ooh...", bends down to take it in her mouth, and...'); writeln('BITES DOWN VICIOUSLY. You scream in', ' agony, clutch your bleeding'); writeln('organ, pull your pants on, and stagger out of the apartment'); writeln('in incredible pain. ', CUNT,' s', 'houts after you, "Rape! Rape!"'); writeln('You have to sleep in an alley that night because police have'); writeln('staked out your apartment. What prompted you to try such a'); writeln('stupid scheme, anyway?'); end; procedure type192; begin writeln('ONE AROUSAL POINT. You have ', POINT,' so far.'); writeln('Good! You Have aroused her animal instinct.', '.. but she is not quite'); writeln('ready for you yet... She tells you to go and ', 'wait for her! she has'); writeln('a surprise waiting for you... You lucky son of a bitch!'); end; procedure type198; begin writeln(''); writeln(' ', CUNT,' returns in a silky negligee, th', 'rough which you can see every'); end; procedure begtype200; begin writeln('detail of her anatomy. She sits down next to you.'); writeln(' Where do you put your hands?'); writeln('In your LAP'); writeln('At your SIDES'); writeln('On her THIGH'); writeln('On her SHOULDERS'); writeln('On her BREASTS'); writeln('On her KNEE'); end; procedure type220; begin writeln('Even in Foreplay, some behavior is unacceptable.'); writeln(''); writeln(''); end; procedure type225; begin writeln('Now you''ve done it. You''ve put ', CUNT,' off ', 'by moving too fast.'); writeln('I should''ve warned you--this game is far from predictable.'); writeln('You lose an arousal point for that one.'); end; procedure type229; begin writeln('(You have ', POINT,' now.)'); end; procedure type232; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(' O.K. Now that you figured out what to do with your hands'); writeln(' She is still on that couch!'); writeln(' She asks you if you want a drink:'); end; procedure begtype238; begin writeln(''); writeln(' Do you:'); writeln(' TAKE one'); writeln(' REFUSE and tell her I don''t drink'); writeln(' TELL her that your an alcoholic ', 'and take the whole bottle'); writeln(' SIT back and ignore her req', 'uest and put your arm around her'); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); end; procedure type258; begin writeln('O.K. Pal now your on a roll! You take her in your arm', 's and kiss her'); writeln('passionately...'); writeln('Then she PUNCHES YOU IN THE BALLS! and SCREAMS'); writeln('"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" "I''M not that ki', 'nd of girl!!!!!!"'); writeln('In pain you get up and go to the bathroom to bleed in peace.'); writeln('After you''ve calmed down ,and your dick stops hurting'); writeln('you go back to her on the couch.'); writeln('YOU LOSE ONE AROUSAL PT. FOR THAT ONE!'); end; procedure type267; begin writeln('You now have ( ', POINT,' ) arousal pt.s left.'); end; procedure type272; begin writeln(''); writeln('Now that you are both getting cosy she puts her head on your'); writeln('shoulders. do you:'); end; procedure begtype275; begin writeln(' PUT your arm around her and pull her close.'); writeln(' KISS her on the mouth and gently rub her breasts.'); writeln(' FEEL her thighs and tell her she is beautifull.'); writeln(''); end; procedure type286; begin writeln('Pretending to be shy? Oh, very cute. You win the "Tidd', 'ly-poo'); writeln('cuteness award." Look--why not try to be a teensy bit more'); writeln('audacious?'); end; procedure type291; begin writeln('Perhaps you could use a little advic', 'e. ', CUNT,' ''s thigh is not'); writeln('public property... now why don''t you go bac', 'k and try it all over'); writeln('again?'); writeln(''); end; procedure type297; begin writeln(''); writeln(' LOOK PAL She aint public property! SLOW down!'); writeln('you lose one point for that!'); end; procedure type301; begin writeln('YOU NOW HAVE ( ', POINT,' ) POINTS LEFT.'); end; procedure type306; begin writeln('GOOD. ONE AROUSAL POINT. For a total of ( ', POINT,' ).'); writeln(''); writeln('Good! Now that you took the drink you can get cosy!'); writeln('Remember...Don''t drink too much!'); writeln(' ', CUNT,' hates a lush!'); end; procedure type315; begin writeln('Now your cooking! ONE MORE POINT!'); end; procedure type317; begin writeln('You Know have ( ', POINT,' ) points.'); writeln('Your getting there kid!'); writeln('Keep up the good work.'); end; procedure type323; begin writeln('Now that you have her in your arms ,'); writeln('and she has had a few to drink do you:'); writeln(''); end; procedure begtype326; begin writeln(' TAKE advantage of her state and force yourself on her.'); writeln(' OFFER to put her to bed.'); writeln(' KISS her gently on the lips an', 'd proceed to slowly traverse to her neck.'); writeln(''); end; procedure begtype337; begin writeln(''); writeln(' NOW YOU''VE DONE IT!'); writeln('SHE KICKS YOU IN THE NUTS SO HARD YOU CRUMBLE OVER IN PAIN!'); writeln('THEN SHE RUNS OUT INTO THE HALL YELLING RAPE!!!!!!!!!'); writeln(' THEN SHE YELLS AT YOU>>>'); writeln(' I KNEW YOU WERE TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!'); writeln('I SHOULD HAVE SEEN THAT ALL YOU WANTED WAS CHEAP ASS!'); writeln(''); writeln('Before the cops come and take you away she gives you $2', '0.00 and tells you to'); writeln('find a good whore to FUCK!'); writeln('You blew it!'); writeln('BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!'); end; procedure type354; begin writeln('ONE MORE POINT!! for a total of ', POINT,' .'); writeln('almost home pal! You''re doing fine!'); end; procedure type358; begin writeln('DON''T FUCK UP!'); end; procedure type362; begin writeln(''); writeln('Now ', CUNT,' is really hot! Her body is moving in a suc', 'cessive rhythm'); end; procedure begtype365; begin writeln('with yours. She is :really: asking for it!'); writeln('so do you?:'); writeln(' ASK her if she wants to go to bed!'); writeln(' CONTINUE your caresses.'); writeln(' MAKE your move on her ,there on the couch.'); writeln(''); end; procedure type379; begin writeln('YOU GET ONE MORE Point for a total of ', POINT,' '); end; procedure begtype380; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(' Hey man your making her CRAZY! ', 'She has to give it too you soon.'); writeln('She is panting uncontrollably for you!'); writeln(''); end; procedure type390; begin writeln('MAN DID''T YOU LEARN YET?!?!?'); writeln('She AINT ready for THAT yet!'); writeln('YOU lose ONE more point!'); end; procedure type398; begin writeln('Now ', CUNT,' says OH! I love what you do to me!'); end; procedure begtype399; begin writeln(' DON''T STOP!'); writeln(' You continue to make her hotter! She is on the verge', ' of a MASSIVE orgasam.'); writeln(''); writeln(' Do you:'); writeln(' FINGER her to help her over the edge.'); writeln(' SLOW down to help her prolong the feeling.'); writeln(' Ask her to suck you off.'); writeln(''); end; procedure type416; begin writeln(' ', CUNT,' DOESN''T LIKE YOUR DICK THAT MUCH!'); writeln('SLOW DOWN!'); writeln('YOU LOSE ANOTHER POINT FOR THAT'); end; procedure type420; begin writeln('NOW YOU HAVE ', POINT,' LEFT.'); end; procedure type424; begin writeln(''); end; procedure type427; begin writeln(':GOOD: YOU HAVE ANOTHER AROUSAL PO', 'INT NOW YOU HAVE ', POINT,' !!!!!'); end; procedure begtype428; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(' Allright man! This is it! She wants you now!'); writeln('She Starts rubbing her clit! She wants you too fuck her!'); writeln(''); writeln(''); end; procedure type439; begin writeln('Your NOT supposed to make her cum yet!!!!!!!!'); writeln('You Still Dont get this GAME!'); writeln('SHE THREW YOU OUT ON YOUR DICK!'); writeln('YOU HAVE A SKILL RATING OF 2'); writeln('TRY AGAIN (You slime!)'); end; procedure type447; begin writeln('Alright pal! Wake up man!'); writeln('She offered you a drink! are you an ass!'); writeln('take it you dont HAVE to drink it!'); writeln('you can let her get drunk instead!'); writeln(''); writeln('Ready to try again?'); end; procedure type458; begin writeln('YOU GET ANOTHER POINT FOR JUST GETTING THIS FAR!!!'); writeln('You now have ', POINT,' '); end; procedure begtype461; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(' Well NOW what are you going to do!!!!????!?!?!??!'); end; procedure type466; begin writeln(' ', CUNT,' is all over you!'); writeln(''); writeln('Will you:'); writeln('TAKE ', CUNT,' in your arms and make Mad , Passionate', ' love to her.'); writeln('OFFER To put ', CUNT,' to Bed and leave.'); writeln(' JERKOFF and calm down.'); writeln('CARRY ', CUNT,' into the bedroom and ball her brains out!'); writeln(''); end; procedure type481; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(' :GOOD BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: :You did it!!!!!!!!'); writeln('You got to the Bedroom! Fuck her ass off man!!!'); end; procedure type486; begin writeln('You made it! You Have ', POINT,' now!!!!!!'); writeln(' You Have graduated from the J.W. Foundation to pervert'); writeln('Young guys like yourself!'); writeln('Good luck in the world! It''s a :bitch: out there! :0::00'); end; procedure type492; begin writeln('I Told you This Game is far from predictable!!!!'); writeln('you lose a point for that!!!!'); end; procedure type495; begin writeln('You Now Have ', POINT,' left!'); writeln('Sorry...Game over for you... your skill level is ', POINT,' '); end; procedure type499; begin writeln('You have earned the right to LEAVE the game!!!!'); writeln('I warned you before about the unexpexted!'); writeln('Try the game again! and try to do better next time!!!!!'); writeln(''); writeln(''); end; procedure type510; begin writeln('o.k. you fucking drunk! she ta', 'kes the bottle and cracks it over'); writeln('your fucking head!'); writeln('Bleeding and sobbing you pull your shit together and leave.'); writeln('you have a skill level of -5!'); writeln('FOREPLAY doesnt like a fucking lush!'); end; procedure type517; begin writeln('My, you are an audacious bastard, aren''t', ' you? ', CUNT,' is not'); writeln('a piece of meat, you know--negligee or no negligee! You get'); writeln('a thunderously painful kick in t', 'he nuts for that one...and the'); writeln('rating of "Skill Level 3."'); end; procedure type523; begin writeln('Don''t you think you should play Star Trek or somet', 'hing less demanding?'); writeln('Here''s the exec.'); writeln('Come back later with a cucumber.'); end; procedure begtype529; begin writeln(' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10'); writeln('1 . . . . . . * * . . STARDATE 2975.3'); writeln('2 . . . K K . . . . K CONDITION RED'); writeln('3 . . . . . . . . . . POSITION 4 - 3, 5 - 8'); writeln('4 . . * * . . . . * . LIFE SUPPORT DAMAGED, RESERVES=2.75'); writeln('5 . . . . . . . E R . WARP FACTOR 5.0'); writeln('6 . * . . . . * . . . ENERGY 675.88'); writeln('7 . . . . . . . . . . TORPEDOES 1'); writeln('8 . . . . K . . . . . SHIELDS DOWN, 12PCT 300 UNITS'); writeln('9 C . . . . . . . . . KLINGONS LEFT 23'); writeln('10 . . . . . . . . . . TIME LEFT 1.31'); writeln(''); writeln('?? ENTER "COMMAND" FOR COMMAND LIST'); end; procedure type548; begin writeln('Computer is damaged, Captain. I don''t understand how.'); end; procedure type551; begin writeln('Why are you playing this game if you can suck yourself off?'); writeln('FOREPLAY doesn''t like liars.'); end; procedure type555; begin writeln('Enter the name of your sex partner.'); end; procedure type558; begin writeln('Input your measurements, in inches.'); writeln(' Breast size:'); end; procedure type561; begin writeln(' Waist:'); end; procedure type563; begin writeln(' Hips:'); end; procedure type567; begin writeln('Input length of your vaginal canal in inches:'); end; procedure type573; begin writeln('Here is Question 1 of the new FEMALE version of Foreplay.'); writeln('You have just met ', GIGOLO,' . Being the a', 'ggressive type, he'); end; procedure begtype575; begin writeln('invites you out to a romantic candlelit dinner. You:'); writeln(' (select from following menu)'); writeln(' ACCEPT'); writeln(' REFUSE, saying you have a previous engagement'); writeln(' PRODUCE a seven-course meal right ', 'on the spot, using'); writeln(' nothing but a pigeon and a book of matches'); writeln(' CALL out loudly for a policeman'); writeln(' DROP to your knees and begin to suck on his cock'); end; procedure type593; begin writeln('Wow. Would you like a romantic candlelit dinner sometime?'); writeln('TWO WONDERFULLY DREAMY AROUSAL POINTS.'); end; procedure type596; begin writeln('You now have ', POINT,' .'); end; procedure type598; begin writeln(''); end; procedure type600; begin writeln(' ', GIGOLO,' GETS SO EXCITED HE STICKS HIS COCK IN YOUR EAR'); writeln('AND FILLS IT WITH HIS CUM.'); writeln('AS HE FINISHES HIS ORGASM HE SCREAMS WHAT A FUCK''N SLUT'); writeln('YOU ARE AND PUNCHES YOUR HEAD IN....WHEN HE''S DONE HE'); writeln('DROPS 50 BUCKS ON THE FLOOR BESIDE YOU AND SAYS THANKS'); writeln('FOR THE GOOD TIME BITCH!'); writeln('YOU SCORED ', POINT,' POINTS SLUT!'); end; procedure type612; begin writeln('SO FAR YOU HAVE ( ', POINT,' ) POINTS'); writeln('AFTER DINNER HE INVITES YOU BACK TO HIS PLACE FOR'); writeln('A DRINK:'); writeln('ACCEPT his offer and leave.'); writeln('SAY to him You''re saving yourself for marriage.'); writeln('CRAWL under the table and give head.'); writeln('TELL him he''s a fuck''n loser and should fuck off and die.'); end; procedure type626; begin writeln('Good trick. One arousal point.'); end; procedure type628; begin writeln('You now have ', POINT,' .'); writeln('DID YOU STUDY AT THE HARRY HOUDINI SCHOOL OF BLOWJOBS'); writeln('AND MAGIC.'); end; procedure type633; begin writeln(' ', GIGOLO,' reports he''s lost all interest in you.'); writeln('Go sit on a jackhammer.'); end; procedure type637; begin writeln('So you can take ten inches, eh?'); writeln('Honesty is crucial to enjoying the game of Foreplay.'); end; procedure type641; begin writeln('Bring me a big, big drill press and I', '''ll let you play some more.'); end; procedure type647; begin writeln('YOU GOT ONE MORE AROUSAL POINT FOR THAT.'); writeln('YOU TAKE OFF BACK TO HIS PLACE.'); writeln('YOU NOTICE A RATHER LARGE BULGE IN HIS PANTS.'); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(''); end; procedure type670; begin writeln('BACK AT HIS PLACE YOU NOTICE THAT THE'); writeln('BULGE IN HIS PANTS HAS GROWN CONSIDERABLY'); writeln('DO YOU:'); writeln('ASK ''Is it a roll of certs or are you happy to see me?'''); writeln('GRAB him by the bulge until the veins in his forehead'); writeln('bulge.'); writeln('TELL him you would like him to meet your mother.'); writeln('SHOW him your short haired doberman with big teeth'); writeln('and bad breath.'); writeln('IGNORE his bulge and sit down.'); end; procedure type701; begin writeln(' ', GIGOLO,' SEES YOUR A NICE GIRL AND HIS DICK GETS A LOT'); writeln('HARDER. YOU GET ONE MORE AROUSAL POINT FOR THAT.'); end; procedure type711; begin writeln(' ', GIGOLO,' SAYS HE WOULD LOVE TO MEET YOUR MOTHER.'); writeln('SHE WOULD PROBABLY FUCK LIKE A MINK COMPARED TO YOU.'); writeln('YOU PROBABLY HAVE A GAS POWERED VIBRATOR WITH TWO SPEEDS'); writeln('FAST AND SUPER DELUXE PULSATING,ROTATING SPEED.'); writeln('YOU STILL DON''T KNOW HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME.'); end; procedure type721; begin writeln('AS SOON AS YOU DO THIS ', GIGOLO,' MOUNTS YOU ON THE SPOT'); writeln('HE DOES NOT REMOVE YOUR TAMPON OR UNDERWARE.'); writeln('WELL BITCH IT LOOKS LIKE YOU''LL BE DIGGING GAUZE AND THREAD'); writeln('OUT OF YOUR ', CUNTLENGTH,' IN. DEEP CUNT FOR DAYS.'); end; procedure type734; begin writeln('NOW ', GIGOLO,' SITS DOWN BESIDE YOU AND ASKS :'); writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('HEY BABE! DO YOU WANNA FUCK?'); end; procedure type739; begin writeln('DO YOU:'); writeln('say ''COME again?'''); writeln('say ''NO thank you, just had one.'''); writeln('JUMP on him and rip his pants off.'); writeln('KISS him gently on the neck.'); end; procedure type757; begin writeln('HE DOES; ALL OVER YOUR FACE. HE THEN CRASHES OU', 'T ON THE COUCH.'); end; procedure type765; begin writeln('HE IS A BIT TAKEN ABACK AND REALIZES HE IS BEING TOO ', 'FORWARD.'); end; procedure type771; begin writeln('3 AROUSAL POINTS!!!'); writeln('HE GETS SO EXCITED THAT HE COMES ALL OVER YOUR NICE CLOTHES.'); writeln('THE POINT OF THE GAME HOWEVER IS TOO AROUSE HIM WITHOUT HA', 'VING'); writeln('HIM REACH ORGASM. HAVEN''T YOU LEARNED YET?'); end; procedure type781; begin writeln('YOURE DOING GREAT. 1 AROUSAL POINT.'); end; procedure type783; begin writeln('YOU NOW HAVE ', POINT,' POINTS'); end; procedure type790; begin writeln(' ', GIGOLO,' IS PANTING UNCONTROLLABLY. DO YOU:'); writeln('SLAP his face and ask him if he is the one giving you prank'); writeln('calls in which the caller breathes like him.'); writeln('BITE his ear and wisper sweet nothings into it.'); writeln('START to unbutton his shirt.'); end; procedure type804; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('HE PUNCHES YOU OUT AND YOU WAKE UP IN NUDE IN AN ALLEY. YOU ', 'LOSE'); end; procedure type812; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('ONE AROUSAL POINT. WOW YOU ARE MAKING HIM CRAZY. NOW', ' HIS SHIRT IS'); writeln('OFF AND YOU ARE CLIMBING ON TOP OF HIM, KISSING HIM ALL OVER'); writeln('HIS CHEST.'); end; procedure type821; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('THATS EXACTLY WHAT YOU GET: "NOTHING". GIVE IT UP GIRL.'); end; procedure type830; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('YOU SEE THE BULGE IN HIS CROTCH HAS REACHED ITS ULTIMATE SIZ', 'E.'); writeln('HIS PANTS CAN NO LONGER EXPAND. ', GIGOLO,' IS IN O', 'BVIOUS PAIN.'); writeln('DO YOU:'); writeln(''); writeln('gently UNZIP his pants and release his throbing cock.'); writeln('GRAB the bulge and skeeze as hard as you can.'); writeln('gently RUB his bulge to see if it gets any bigger.'); writeln('firmly STROKE his cock from outside his pants.'); end; procedure type849; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('1 AROUSAL POINT FOR A TOTAL OF ', POINT,' '); writeln('YOU GOT THE RIGHT IDEA. KEEP ON GOING STRONG BABY!'); end; procedure type857; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln(' ', GIGOLO,' SCREAMS IN AGONY (SOPRANO). YOURE A FUCKIN BITC', 'H AND'); writeln('DESERVE TO BE LOGGED OUT. BYE BYE BITCH!'); end; procedure type862; begin writeln('LOGOUT'); end; procedure type867; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('YOU TWIT, I TOLD YOU THE BULGE HAS REACHED ITS MAXIMUM SIZE.'); writeln('YOU GET ONE POINT SUBTRACTED.'); writeln('YOU NOW HAVE ', POINT,' POINTS LEFT.'); end; procedure type876; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('HE UNLOADS HIS WAD INSIDE HIS PANTS. TOO BAD.'); end; procedure type885; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('NOW THAT HIS COCK IS RELEASED (ALONG WITH THE PAIN) YOU:'); writeln(''); writeln('SIT on it.'); writeln('PROCEED to give ', GIGOLO,' a blow job.'); writeln('STRIP and invite him to do the same.'); writeln('LAUGH at its size until tears come out of your eyes.'); end; procedure type902; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('HE IS NOT AMUSED. YOU OBVIOUSLY NEED SOME TUTORING.'); end; procedure type909; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('Ohhhhh. aaaaahhhhh. Oooooooo. HE COMES ALL OVER YOUR FACE.'); writeln('HE TELLS YOU WHAT A SLUT YOU ARE AND THROWS $20 ON THE FLOOR'); writeln('BESIDE YOU.'); end; procedure type918; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('HE LOSES HIS ERECTION AND KICKS YOU OUT.'); end; procedure type926; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('2 AROUSAL POINTS. YOU NOW HAVE ', POINT,' POINTS'); writeln(''); writeln(''); end; procedure type932; begin writeln('NOW YOU HAVE HIM GOING BANANAS. HE IS READY TO UNLOAD HIS'); writeln('GALLONS OF SEMEN ANY SECOND.'); writeln(''); writeln('NOW WHAT DO YOU DO???????!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!'); end; procedure type940; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('TAKE him by the hand and lead him into the bedroom.'); writeln('LIE down on the floor in front of the fire place and spr', 'ead your legs.'); writeln('JUMP him on the spot.'); end; procedure type953; begin writeln(''); writeln('YOU LIE IN BED AND WAIT.'); end; procedure type959; begin writeln(''); writeln('HE IS HOT FOR YOU AND CAN''T WAIT.'); end; procedure type965; begin writeln(''); end; procedure type967; begin writeln('HE COMES ALL OVER THE COUCH AND PASSES OUT. YOU LEAVE DEP', 'RESSED.'); writeln('DON''T YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME YET? YOUR SO STUPID.'); writeln('WHY DON''T YOU PLAY SOMETHING LE', 'SS DEMANDING LIKE THIS NEXT GAME'); writeln('THATS COMING UP NOW.'); end; procedure type980; begin writeln(''); writeln(' ', GIGOLO,' FALLS GENTLY OVER YOU.'); writeln(''); end; procedure type984; begin writeln('HE ASKS YOU IF HE CAN TIE YOU UP.'); writeln(''); end; procedure type987; begin writeln('YOU SEE THE GLEAM IN HIS EYE.'); writeln(''); end; procedure type990; begin writeln('YOU FEEL THE WEIGHT OF HIS LOWER BODY AGAINST YOUR CLIT.'); writeln('(EDITOR''S NOTE: Brigitte coudn''t you use a more'); writeln('obsene term than ''lower body''? e.g. cock'); writeln('or penis would have been appropriate here. END OF NOTE)'); writeln(''); end; procedure type996; begin writeln('YOU CAN''T BELIEVE IT. YOUR SHIVERING. YOU THEN :'); end; procedure type998; begin writeln(''); writeln('say ''NO just make love to me you fool.'''); writeln('REACT by turning him over and start riding him.'); end; procedure type1008; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('HE SAYS ''FOOL? I''LL SHOW YOU A FOOL'' AND ', 'KICKS YOU OUT OF THE'); writeln('APPARTEMENT'); end; procedure type1016; begin writeln(''); writeln(''); writeln('YOU MAKE WILD ANIMAL LOVE, HAVE MULTIPLE ORGASMS AND REPEAT'); writeln('YOUR LOVEMAKING ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT.'); end; procedure type1021; begin writeln('YOU WAKE UP AND REALISE THE WHOLE T', 'HING WAS A DREAM, BUT WHAT'); writeln('DREAM. YOUR IN A COLD SWEAT.'); end; procedure type1024; begin writeln('THE DOOR BELL RINGS!!!!! GUESS WHO ?????'); end; begin (* &TRACE OFF *) vmfclear; type3; begtype7; readln(JUNK); vmfclear; type22; readln(JUNK); vmfclear; POINT := 0; begtype29; type35; readln(GENDER); if GENDER = 'M' then GOTO 134; if GENDER = 'F' then GOTO 116; type40; goto 888; 134: type44; readln(SKILL); (* *&IF .&SKILL = . &GOTO -MALE *) if SKILL = 0 then GOTO 134; if SKILL > 7 then GOTO 177; if SKILL > 1 then GOTO 139; begtype50; goto 146; 139: type58; goto 146; 177: type62; goto 888; 146: type66; readln(HUGENESS); (* *&IF .&HUGENESS = . &GOTO -QUEST1 *) if HUGENESS = 0 then GOTO 146; if HUGENESS < 5 then GOTO 176; if HUGENESS > 8 then GOTO 123; 150: type73; readln(CUNT); if CUNT = '' then GOTO 150; vmfclear; type77; sleep( 05 ); 113: begtype80; readln(DRINKNAME); if DRINKNAME = '' then GOTO 113; type90; readln(DRINKSURE); if DRINKSURE = 'NO' then GOTO 113; if DRINKNAME = 'EVERCLEAR' then GOTO 107; if DRINKNAME = 'BEER' then GOTO 108; if DRINKNAME = 'MARTINI' then GOTO 152; if DRINKNAME = 'WINE' then GOTO 142; if DRINKNAME = 'SCREW' then GOTO 152; if DRINKNAME = '' then GOTO 113; type99; goto 113; 107: begtype103; type108; goto 888; 108: type112; goto 113; 142: vmfclear; type119; POINT := POINT + 1; type122; 152: begtype124; readln(DRUGS); vmfclear; if DRUGS = '' then GOTO 152; if DRUGS = 'AGREE' then GOTO 143; if DRUGS = 'SAY' then GOTO 154; if DRUGS = 'OFFER' then GOTO 109; if DRUGS = 'IGNORE' then GOTO 171; goto 152; 171: type142; goto 888; 109: type146; goto 107; 143: POINT := POINT + 1; type150; 154: type152; begtype153; readln(COMFORTSTATION); vmfclear; if COMFORTSTATION = '' then GOTO 154; if COMFORTSTATION = 'WAIT' then GOTO 156; if COMFORTSTATION = 'FOLLOW' then GOTO 102; if COMFORTSTATION = 'REMOVE' then GOTO 115; if COMFORTSTATION = 'LEAVE' then GOTO 131; vmfclear; type168; goto 154; 131: goto 888; 115: if HUGENESS > 7 then GOTO 125; type174; goto 888; 125: type180; goto 888; 102: POINT := POINT + 1; type192; sleep( 05 ); 156: type198; begtype200; readln(GROPE); vmfclear; if GROPE = '' then GOTO 156; if GROPE = 'LAP' then GOTO 174; if GROPE = 'SIDES' then GOTO 158; if GROPE = 'THIGH' then GOTO 169; if GROPE = 'SHOULDERS' then GOTO 173; if GROPE = 'BREASTS' then GOTO 166; if GROPE = 'KNEE' then GOTO 188; vmfclear; type220; goto 156; 188: type225; POINT := POINT - 1; type229; goto 158; 158: type232; begtype238; readln(BOOZE); if BOOZE = '' then GOTO 158; if BOOZE = 'TAKE' then GOTO 144; if BOOZE = 'REFUSE' then GOTO 136; if BOOZE = 'TELL' then GOTO 133; if BOOZE = 'SIT' then GOTO 171; goto 888; 173: type258; POINT := POINT - 1; type267; sleep( 02 ); goto 158; 160: vmfclear; type272; begtype275; readln(MOVE); if MOVE = 'PUT' then GOTO 119; if MOVE = 'KISS' then GOTO 185; if MOVE = 'FEEL' then GOTO 169; 174: type286; goto 156; 169: type291; goto 156; 185: type297; POINT := POINT - 1; type301; sleep( 3 ); goto 160; 144: POINT := POINT + 1; type306; sleep( 03 ); vmfclear; goto 160; 119: type315; POINT := POINT + 1; type317; sleep( 03 ); goto 162; 162: type323; begtype326; readln(NOWWHAT); if NOWWHAT = 'TAKE' then GOTO 167; if NOWWHAT = 'OFFER' then GOTO 167; if NOWWHAT = 'KISS' then GOTO 101; 167: begtype337; goto 888; 101: POINT := POINT + 1; type354; sleep( 03 ); vmfclear; type358; sleep( 03 ); goto 164; 164: type362; begtype365; readln(FUCK); if FUCK = 'ASK' then GOTO 137; if FUCK = 'CONTINUE' then GOTO 120; if FUCK = 'MAKE' then GOTO 137; 120: POINT := POINT + 1; type379; begtype380; sleep( 03 ); goto 148; 137: type390; POINT := POINT - 1; goto 148; 148: sleep( 02 ); vmfclear; type398; begtype399; readln(ORGASM); if ORGASM = '' then GOTO 148; if ORGASM = 'FINGER' then GOTO 172; if ORGASM = 'SLOW' then GOTO 118; if ORGASM = 'ASK' then GOTO 138; goto 888; 138: type416; POINT := POINT - 1; type420; goto 176; 118: POINT := POINT + 1; type424; POINT := POINT + 1; type427; begtype428; sleep( 03 ); goto 149; 172: type439; goto 888; 136: type447; sleep( 03 ); goto 158; 149: vmfclear; POINT := POINT + 1; type458; sleep( 03 ); begtype461; type466; readln(SEX); if SEX = 'TAKE' then GOTO 121; if SEX = 'OFFER' then GOTO 126; if SEX = 'JERKOFF' then begin writeln(' YOU SUCK!'); goto 888; end; if SEX = 'CARRY' then GOTO 105; goto 888; 105: type481; POINT := POINT + 10; type486; goto 888; 126: type492; POINT := POINT - 1; type495; goto 888; 121: type499; goto 888; goto 888; 133: type510; goto 888; 166: type517; goto 888; 176: type523; readln(DUMMY); vmfclear; TERM := 'TERM'; begtype529; 180: readln(STBRPROB); if STBRPROB = '' then GOTO 180; if STBRPROB = TERM then GOTO 146; type548; goto 180; 123: type551; goto 888; 116: type555; readln(GIGOLO); if GIGOLO = 'GAVIN' then begin writeln(' BAD CHOICE!'); goto 888; end; type558; readln(TITSIZE); type561; readln(WAISTSIZE); type563; readln(HIPSIZE); if TITSIZE > 36 then begin writeln(' You have mighty big jugs, woman.'); goto 888; end; if TITSIZE <= 32 then begin writeln(' No tits! No wonder you play this game.'); goto 888; end; type567; readln(CUNTLENGTH); if CUNTLENGTH >= 10 then GOTO 183; if CUNTLENGTH < 4 then GOTO 112; vmfclear; 147: type573; begtype575; readln(OHMYWHATTODO); if OHMYWHATTODO = 'DROP' then GOTO 114; if OHMYWHATTODO = 'PRODUCE' then GOTO 124; if OHMYWHATTODO = 'CALL' then GOTO 106; if OHMYWHATTODO = 'REFUSE' then GOTO 106; if OHMYWHATTODO = 'ACCEPT' then GOTO 151; goto 147; 114: type593; POINT := POINT + 2; type596; goto 141; type598; 141: type600; goto 888; 151: sleep( 05 ); vmfclear; type612; readln(ANS2); if ANS2 = 'ACCEPT' then GOTO 130; if ANS2 = 'SAY' then GOTO 106; if ANS2 = 'CRAWL' then GOTO 141; if ANS2 = 'TELL' then GOTO 106; goto 151; 124: type626; POINT := POINT + 1; type628; goto 151; 106: type633; goto 888; 183: type637; goto 888; 112: type641; goto 888; 130: POINT := POINT + 1; sleep( 05 ); vmfclear; type647; sleep( 05 ); goto 153; 153: sleep( 05 ); type670; readln(ANS3F); if ANS3F = 'IGNORE' then GOTO 135; if ANS3F = 'ASK' then GOTO 189; if ANS3F = 'TELL' then GOTO 103; if ANS3F = 'SHOW' then GOTO 103; if ANS3F = 'GRAB' then GOTO 103; goto 153; 135: type701; POINT := POINT + 1; goto 155; 189: type711; goto 888; 103: type721; goto 888; 155: sleep( 05 ); vmfclear; type734; sleep( 06 ); type739; readln(ACTION); if ACTION = 'COME' then GOTO 110; if ACTION = 'NO' then GOTO 117; if ACTION = 'JUMP' then GOTO 111; if ACTION = 'KISS' then GOTO 128; goto 155; 110: type757; goto 888; 117: type765; goto 157; 111: type771; goto 888; 128: type781; POINT := POINT + 1; type783; 157: sleep( 05 ); vmfclear; type790; readln(REPLY5F); if REPLY5F = 'SLAP' then GOTO 178; if REPLY5F = 'START' then GOTO 179; if REPLY5F = 'BITE' then GOTO 104; goto 157; 178: type804; goto 888; 179: POINT := POINT + 1; type812; goto 159; 104: type821; goto 888; 159: sleep( 05 ); vmfclear; type830; readln(REPLY6F); if REPLY6F = 'UNZIP' then GOTO 187; if REPLY6F = 'GRAB' then GOTO 122; if REPLY6F = 'RUB' then GOTO 170; if REPLY6F = 'STROKE' then GOTO 182; 187: POINT := POINT + 1; type849; goto 161; 122: type857; sleep( 10 ); type862; goto 888; 170: type867; goto 159; 182: type876; goto 888; 161: sleep( 05 ); vmfclear; type885; readln(REPLY7F); if REPLY7F = 'SIT' then GOTO 175; if REPLY7F = 'STRIP' then GOTO 181; if REPLY7F = 'PROCEED' then GOTO 145; if REPLY7F = 'LAUGH' then GOTO 129; goto 161; 175: type902; goto 888; 145: type909; goto 888; 129: type918; goto 888; 181: POINT := POINT + 2; type926; sleep( 05 ); type932; 163: sleep( 05 ); vmfclear; type940; readln(REPLY8F); if REPLY8F = 'TAKE' then GOTO 184; if REPLY8F = 'LIE' then GOTO 132; if REPLY8F = 'JUMP' then GOTO 127; goto 163; 184: type953; goto 165; 132: type959; goto 165; 127: type965; sleep( 04 ); type967; sleep( 13 ); (* *EXEC HAHA *) goto 888; 165: sleep( 05 ); vmfclear; sleep( 05 ); type980; sleep( 05 ); type984; sleep( 05 ); type987; sleep( 05 ); type990; sleep( 09 ); type996; 186: type998; readln(REPLY9F); if REPLY9F = 'NO' then GOTO 140; if REPLY9F = 'REACT' then GOTO 168; goto 186; 140: type1008; goto 888; 168: type1016; sleep( 05 ); type1021; sleep( 05 ); type1024; sleep( 05 ); (* *EXEC HAHA *) goto 888; 888: end.