From Tue Feb 23 08:57:23 1993 Xref: aio alt.sources:3461 Path: aio!bcm!!!!!agate!!!ogicse!!ai-lab!!mycroft From: (Charles Hannum) Newsgroups: alt.sources, Subject: Zterp 0.3 alpha, part 0 of 2 Message-ID: <> Date: 22 Feb 93 18:48:43 GMT Article-I.D.: life.1mb76cINNj4l Followup-To: poster Organization: MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab Lines: 53 NNTP-Posting-Host: [I actually stopped working on this some time ago, but never released it. I have not implemented SAVE, RESTORE, and RESTART, or the `script' feature, nor have I actually played through a version 5 game to be sure it works perfectly. While I will implement those functions at some point, I don't want to work on it right now, and the code might be useful to some people as is. The point of this interpreter is to be small, fast, and conceptually simple. The entire source, uncompressed, is about 50K. I have personally compiled Zterp under AIX 3.2, 386BSD, SunOS 4.1.2, and HPUX 7.0 and 8.0, using GCC 2.3.3. On SunOS I needed only to remove references to stdlib.h; the others compiled as is.] Announcing Zterp, yet another Infocom game interpreter ------------------------------------------------------ Zterp runs ZIL version 3-5 games. This includes all Standard, Plus, and Advanced series games, but not version 6, Graphics. It will run versions 1 and 2 whenever I find an old Apple II game to test it with. Why another interpreter? ------------------------ I started working on Zterp just before the version 4 of the Info Task Force interpreter was released. I continued it for mainly the following reasons: * The ITF code is poorly abstracted and overly complicated, at best. It also does not have UNDO. * Zmachine only runs version 3 games, and isn't really any better than the ITF interpreter anyway. * Both ITF and Zmachine use the Z virtual memory system, which is not necessary and slows them down. My interpreter does not implement virtual memory--though I may use mmap() in a future release to take advantage of Unix's (albeit poor) virtual memory capability. Modern workstations have plenty of memory to run the games without the klugy VM system anyway. Where to get it? ---------------- I have just posted it to alt.sources. -- \ / Charles Hannum, /\ \ PGP public key available on request. MIME, AMS, NextMail accepted. Scheme White heterosexual atheist male (WHAM) pride!