Scanned and manually corrected by Dave Newkirk ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >WAIT Time passes... The scooter glides into the station's docking port. The retro-thrusters bring the scooter to a halt. As the docking port fills with air the scooter's hatch opens. >LOOK Scooter, in the pilot's couch You are in the cramped one-man space scooter. Through the viewport, you see the docking port of Space Station BG-12. The scooter's hatch is open. You can see a toolbox here. >OPEN THE TOOLBOX You can't reach it from the pilot's couch. >STAND UP You are standing again. >OPEN THE TOOLBOX It's locked. >LEAVE THE SCOOTER Docking Port This is the huge docking port of the space station. Only one ship is here at the moment, a one-man scooter, so the docking port seems unusually empty. A tube leads down toward the heart of the station, >DOWN Main Hallway, Sector M This is the station's main corridor, which continues to port and starboard. A tube leads up toward the docking port. >STARBOARD Main Hallway, Sector N This is the station's main corridor, which continues to port and starboard. A room lies to fore, and a tube leads down to the next level of the station. Lying at the base of the wall is a key. >TAKE THE KEY Taken. >EXAMINE IT The key looks like one of those new all-purpose keys that molds itself to any lock. A typical example of Garfoogian ingenuity. >FORE Sick Bay Like the rest of the station, the medical facility is deserted. This is odd, for regulations require that the sick bay be staffed around the clock, ten chrons a day! The only exit is aft. At the far end of the room, inside a steel cage, is a Thoosian Fussbudget, apparently asleep. >WAKE THE FUSSBUDGET It jumps to its feet, all twelve of them. "Hey, what's going on? Who are you? Lemme outta here!" >OPEN THE CAGE The cage is locked. "Open the cage!" begs the Fussbudget, clawing at the bars. "I'm claustrophobic! I'll starve to death! I wanna go jogging!" >UNLOCK THE CAGE WITH THE KEY This seems to be one of those new sophisticated all-purpose-key-proof locks. "Break the bars! Get an acetylene torch! Find a teleporter! I've got an appointment with my lawyer in five minutes! I'm allergic to cages!" The Fussbudget begins sneezing wildly. >AFT.PORT.UP.ENTER THE SCOOTER.UNLOCK THE TOOLBOX WITH THE KEY Main Hallway, Sector N Main Hallway, Sector M Docking Port You are beginning to get hungry. Scooter You can see a toolbox here. The toolbox is now unlocked. >OPEN THE TOOLBOX Opening the toolbox reveals an identity bracelet, a hacksaw, and a tube of nutrient paste. >TAKE ALL FROM THE TOLBOX [I don't know the word "tolbox."] >OOPS TOOLBOX identity bracelet: Taken. hacksaw: Taken. tube of nutrient paste: You're carrying too much weight already. >INVENTORY You are carrying a hacksaw, an identity bracelet, a key, and a box of radioactive isotopes. You are wearing a Patrol uniform. >DROP ALL BUT THE HACKSAW AND THE BRACELET THEN TAKE THE TUBE key: Dropped. box of radioactive isotopes: Dropped. Patrol uniform: You'll have to remove it first. Taken. You are now quite hungry. >EAT THE PASTE of your favorites...anchovies and peanut butter. You empty the entire tube, and your hunger dissipates. >OUT.DOWN.STARBOARD.FORE Docking Port Main Hallway, Sector M Main Hallway, Sector N Sick Bay "It's about time you got back. You think it's fun being locked in a cage? What if there was a fire?" >CUT THE BARS WITH THE HACKSAW You cut through one of the bars. The Fussbudget sticks its head through the gap. "Come on, cut some more! I'm almost you think these edges where you cut the bars are sharp?" >AGAIN You cut a second bar. The Fussbudget squeezes through and leaps to the floor. "Thanks, bud. By the way, I'm a Fussbudget." It hops across the room and pokes four or five eye stalks cautiously through the doorway. "Where is everyone? Hey, that looks like a tube of nutrient paste you've got there." >GIVE THE TUBE TO THE FUSSBUDGET The Fussbudget grabs the tube, wildly squeezes it with all six hands, and then throws it to the deck. "Empty! If I don't eat something soon I'll get sick." >AFT Main Hallway, Sector N The Fussbudget gangles after you. >PORT Main Hallway, Sector M The Fussbudget gangles after you. >PORT Main Hallway, Sector L This is the station's main corridor, which continues to port and starboard. Rooms lie fore and aft. The Fussbudget gangles after you. It suddenly notices your identity bracelet. "Hey, a bracelet. If you gimme it, I can get us lotsa food, whaddya say, huh?" >GIVE BRACELET TO FUSSBUDGET The Fussbudget grabs the bracelet and dashes forward. >FORE You bounce off the invisible security barrier. Within the room, you can see the Fussbudget, wearing the bracelet, greedily devouring a whole crate of Mondoweed fruits. >FUSSBUDGET, GIVE ME THE BRACELET Without looking up or pausing for a second, the Fussbudget tosses you the bracelet. >PUT ON THE BRACELET You are now wearing the bracelet. >FORE Store Room This is a small storage room of some sort...A hallway lies aft. You can see an adapter plug here. The Fussbudget is just shoving the last few fruits into its huge mouth. "All the food is gone," it says with its mouth full. "Where am I gonna sleep tonight?" >AFT.AFT Main Hallway, Sector L The Fussbudget gangles after you. Director's Office This is the office of the station manager. It is simply furnished, with a file cabinet and a desk. There's an electrical outlet on one wall. Sitting on the desk is a portable computer and a slip of paper. The Fussbudget gangles after you. >READ [what do you want to read?] >SLIP OF PAPER [taking the slip of paper first] 'Buy milk. Dentist at 3300. New password is 133." >TURN ON THE PORTABLE COMPUTER Nothing happens. The Fussbudget shivers. "Does it seem chilly in here? I hate drafty places." A look of concern crosses its face. "Do you think the heating units have failed?" >EXAMINE THE COMPUTER The portable computer has a screen, a keyboard, and a power cord. The screen is blank. The Fussbudget says, "See ya later, bub. I'm gonna go catch some winks." It gangles out. >PLUG THE POWER CORD INTO THE ELECTRICAL OUTLET The cord ends in a nine-prong plug, but the outlet will only accept five-prong plugs. >FORE.FORE Main Hallway, Sector L Store Room The Fussbudget is snoring loudly in the corner. You can see an adapter plug here. >TAKE [the adapter plug] Taken. >EXAMINE IT The adapter seems designed to fit nine-prong plugs into five-prong outlets. >AFT.AFT.PLUG THE ADAPTER INTO THE SOCKET.PLUG THE CORD INTO THE ADAPTER. Main Hallway, Sector L Director's Office Sitting on the desk is a portable computer. Done. Done. >TURN ON THE COMPUTER The computer beeps and the screen lights up, saying, "Please type password." >TYPE "133" The screen says "Password accepted. Type 7 for memo file. Type 11 for correspondence file." >TYPE 7 The last page of the memo pad appears on the screen: "22-Bozbar. All personnel have teleported down to the planet. I will be joining them in a chron or so, but I wanted to say goodbye to this old station; it's too bad we couldn't stop that reactor build-up. By the way, the latest reading for Critical is 6900." >TIME Adjusted Galactic Standard Time is exactly 6897. >FORE Main Hallway, Sector L Suddenly, a giant fireball engulfs the entire station. *** You have died *** Your score is 9 points out of a total of 80, in 92 moves. This gives you the rank of pot scrubber.