Transcribed by Graeme Cree SAMPLE TRANSCRIPT (Suspended) [This Sample Transcript had no map or introduction] >JUNIOR, REPORT YOUR LOCATION. FC: Cryolink established to Junior. JUNIOR: I am in the Cooling Tubes. >LOOK All around me tubes run into a central receiving core, in the room with me are Killer and Swifty. >EXAMINE SWIFTY Swifty is a little robot with eighteen legs who moves at incredible speed. >OPEN SWIFTY Find. I'm using my micro-surgery extension to accomplish that. Opening Swifty reveals a lightbulb. >TAKE THE LIGHTBULB Unable to accomplish task. Lightbulb is soldered into a socket. >KILLER, EXAMINE THE SOCKET. FC: Cryolink established to Killer. KILLER: I see nothing special about the socket. >LOOK I am in a fierce area with raging torrents all around me. In the room with me are Swifty and Junior. >FIND THE SOLDERING IRON. And how do you propose I accomplish that? I'm only a multiplexed robot. >ALL ROBOTS, LOOK FC: Cryolink established to Junior. JUNIOR: Internal Map Reference-Cooling Tubes. All around me tubes run into a central receiving core, a place where all the coolants collect. In the room with me are Killer and Swifty. FC: Cryolink established to Killer. KILLER: Internal Map Reference-Cooling Tubes. I am in a fierce area with raging torrents all around me. In the room with me are Swifty and Junior. FC: Cryolink established to Swifty. SWIFTY: Internal Map Reference-Cooling Tubes. I am in a quick area with sounds rushing all around me. In the room with me are Killer and Junior. FC: Cryolink established to Tiger. TIGER: Internal Map Reference-Solar Vats. I am in the Solar Area, padding along the huge solar sails. I can detect a striped object floating in space a few meters away. FC: Cryolink established to Leaper. LEAPER: Internal Map Reference-Tool Supply Area. I am in a large area with shelves all around. Sitting on a high shelf is a soldering iron. >LEAPER, PICK UP THE SOLDERING IRON. FC: Cryolink established to Leaper. LEAPER: It's out of reach on the top shelf. >KILLER, GO TO LEAPER. FC: Cryolink established to Killer. FC: Leaper's location: Tool Supply Area. Establishing path... Consider it done. I'm on my way and I'll holler when I get to him. >CLIMB UP FC: What do you want Killer to climb up? >LEAPER, CLIMB THE WALLS FC: Cryolink established to Leaper. LEAPER: Hey, I'm just a robot, and I don't have suction cups on my feet. >HIT THE SHELF FC: What do you want Leaper to hit the shelf with? >HIS HANDS I tried, but I couldn't reach. >HIT THE SHELF WITH A LADER FC: I don't know the word "lader." KILLER INTERRUPT: I'm here with the little flea now. >LOOK AT LEAPER How do you expect me to look at myself? >KILLER, LOOK AT LEAPER. FC: Cryolink established to Killer. KILLER: Leaper is like a flea, with huge rear legs and the ability to leap high into the air. >LEAPER, LEAP ONTO THE TOP SHELF. FC: Cryolink established to Leaper. LEAPER: Leaping away...Okay. >LOOK I'm on the top shelf in the tool supply area. Sitting on the shelf is a soldering iron. In the room with me is Killer. >TAKE THE SOLDERING IRON. Taken. >GIVE THE SOLDERING IRON TO JUNIOR. He's out of reach, the big brute! >LEAP DOWN TO THE GROUND. Okay. I'm now on the floor. >KILLER, TAKE THE SOLDERING IRON FROM LEAPER THEN GO TO SWIFTY. FC: Cryolink established to Killer. KILLER: Taken. FC: Swifty's location: Cooling Tubes. Establishing path... Consider it done. I'm on my way and I'll holler when I get to him. >WAIT FC: Time passes... I'm here with the speed demon now. >GIVE THE SOLDERING IRON TO JUNIOR. Given. >JUNIOR, REMOVE THE LIGHTBULB WITH THE SOLDERING IRON. FC: Cryolink established to Junior. JUNIOR: Okay, it's done.