Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies solution this solution is written by james mullish, soon to be sellers. this solution was written on december 28, 2020. yes, I am aware, clubfloid already did this, however, this is my way of completing the game. go north, then, west. take the phone and gun. after you do, the phone will ring, upon it happening, you will automaticly answer, go into the closet and, close the closet. now, go out. go east, then, go south. go east. go north. then, go northeast. if there is a robot zombie here, shoot it before doing anything else. after that's done, take the keys. go northwest, then, southwest. unlock the door, this will take a few tries, when it's unlocked, go west. close the door, then, lock it after entering this room. now, go north, move the debris then go north. go up. the keys will work on this cabinet, however, it's much faster if you just smash it. after smashing it, press the button. go up, there are 2 glass doors here, for this walkthrough, we will use the east. so, smash the east door. now, go east then, up. go north into the chopper. press button, after doing this, a fat and thin zombie will burst into the choppe r, shoot both of them, I always shoot the fat one then, the thin one. after this, your chopper will crash into a building, due to a rocket blast. after this happens, you will be in a building. don't go east just yet, first, shoot the barrel. now, go east, then, take the hood. make sure you wear it, or, you will have to face the man from the north. after putting on the hood, go north. go north again, you will be at the boss. now, here's what I do to defeat him, again, this will work. push the man, he will fall from the window, he will come back, take the coffee, then, throw it at the man. he will come back again, this time, shoot the man, and, he will die. now, press red button, now, you can press the yellow button, or, go back south and, shoot the other man. if you press the yellow button, just go down, if you decide to kill the man, go south, shoot him, go back north, press the yellow button, then go down. you have completed Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies. if you have any comments, please feel free to con tact me at