------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINIMAL CURSES WALKTHROUGH for release 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is as short a walkthrough for "Curses" as I can come up with. A typical session with this script will take between 750 and 800 turns (it varies because some actions have random consequences), and will finish with 450 points out of 550. It is probably possible to reduce the length of the walkthrough by further juggling the order in which things happen, but I doubt you'd be able to save more than a handful of turns. If you're resorting to this walkthrough because you're stuck, please reconsider! The walkthrough solves none of the optional puzzles, and it "cheats" by failing to show you any of the information you'd need to actually understand the solution. You'd do better to post your problem to the newsgroup rec.games.int-fiction, and with luck you will receive a suitable hint that doesn't spoil the rest of the game. Aletrnatively, you could try Russ Bryan's walkthrough, which explains most of the puzzles; it's available by anonymous FTP from: ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/solutions/Curses.solve Gareth Rees , 12/94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ drop biscuit, paper south get parcel from cupboard unwrap parcel north north west south examine sheets turn wireless on push wireless north west give box of chocolates to jemima say yellow wait get gloves wear gloves east east east get wrench west south south southeast east examine rolls open torch empty torch get new battery put new battery in torch close torch south take sack north open door north get all turn handle south west west get flash east south west get wrench tighten joint get novel,poetry east north northwest get all from cupboard north close trapdoor get jewellery box open trapdoor north open demijohn get all from demijohn west west east east east turn wheel off turn wheel get medicine bottle put medicine bottle in shaft turn wheel enter dumb waiter get all pull ropes out mouse, south south mouse, west hole, w.w.w.n.w.n hole, s.e.s.e.e.e.e get key north enter dumb waiter pull ropes out wear gas mask north unlock door with brass key open door north remove gas mask read poetry west take handkerchief wave handkerchief west say time take poetry northwest west west get bottle,implement enter roller turn roller on e.e.e.w.n.n w.w.n.n.n.n w.w.w get out get etching enter roller e.e.e.s.s.s s.s.e.e.s.s get out southeast south south enter dumb waiter pull ropes out west south south southeast east north up northwest take gothic key throw wishbone at ghost southeast down put all in fireplace west down get all unlock hatch with brass key open hatch down east turn wheel off turn wheel enter dumb waiter pull ropes pull ropes out west south south southeast south south turn projector on get ace put ace in projector south examine cups pull anchor put ship in mounted bottle examine ship fore get branch aft up take flag port get flag,spar aft turn wheel down get ace north north east south push south wall south put flag on bed break windows south look under sill take gold key north lie on bed sleep east east east turn wheel pinch me get up north north west northwest north north east enter dumb waiter pull ropes pull ropes out north east east break frame unlock jewellery box with gold key open jewellery box take sketch,spar,clover wave spar wave clover open coffin put rods in coffin close lid open lid close lid open lid get rods from coffin southeast get sceptre up up look up 1420 in map turn door northeast push ball southwest push ball south get tarot box east break cabinet get all from cabinet get rod of returning strike it wait eat tablet get crook point rod of returning at me [ Now go to the souvenirs room ] get etching put it in projector south e.e.s.s.s.s e.e.e.e.e squeeze weed killer bottle w.w.w.w.w n.n.n.n.w.w take bean pole strike returning point it at me read poetry north open tarot box get eight,star,maiden up put eight on pack put maiden on pack put star on pack push bell say even north up get all cards down south west west say time south east east get stick,crook,staff wave stick wave crook wave staff put rods in coffin close lid open lid close lid open lid close lid open lid get all from coffin west west north northwest enter roller n.n.e.e.e get out get rose down strike rod of bronze point it at mural down get wrought iron key down smell smell down turn switch off up west strike rod of bronze point it at metal north slide i slide k slide c slide a slide n slide e slide l slide o slide s slide t south get rod of returning strike it point it at me [ Go to souvenirs room again ] get etching,maiden put maiden in projector south up east get fire,husbandry,luck strike rod of husbandry point it at goats south strike rod of fire point it at thorns south strike rod of luck point it at me south get coin southeast get stone southwest wake homer say agamemnon say ptolemy say yellow north northwest push dionysus southeast push dionysus southwest push poseidon northeast again push demeter southwest push demeter northwest southeast put stone in opening down get amber up south northeast northwest north north north east south give coin to bartender get ekmek north get fig west west southwest play syrinx put fig in urn oracle, hello [ Stop here to remember the number of paces in the Oracle's description ] northeast down give ekmek to andromeda wave hairband get rod of returning strike it point it at me [ Find the book of poetry which is somewhere up here ] [ Then go to attic ] east down down northeast east east get implement [ Now remember the numbers of paces (P,Q) the Oracle told you ] [ walk P paces east/west. walk Q paces north/south. dig ] [ Repeat the line above until you find the strongbox ] get box unlock it with gothic key open it west west southwest up up [ Find Austin the cat (somewhere in the attic) ] [ Now "push" him to the souvenirs room ] get maiden,sketch put sketch in projector jump south north drop smooth stone into grating [ Repeatedly "wait" until a wave splashes the smooth stone away ] south southeast southwest blow whistle put amber in socket get cloak wear it south north northeast northeast southeast south anoint me north southeast get spindle northwest wait get alpha, kappa, epic poem, short poem put epic poem in kappa put short poem in alpha east give kappa to callimachus south give alpha to apollonius get sash north west northwest north west get rusty key east south southwest southwest down lie on couch sleep lie on couch sleep lie on couch sleep lie on couch sleep z.z.z.z z.z.z.z w.w.w.w get up twist nose west west north east west take oak put sceptre in first socket [ Repeatedly "turn sceptre" until the number 'si' comes up ] get sceptre put sceptre in second socket [ Repeatedly "turn sceptre" until the coffin opens ] east east up northeast southeast remove cloak turn it wear it open door up put oak on table northwest northwest north unlock grating with rusty key open grating down get heart from boat up south southeast southwest down west west enter coffin close lid again up west west up up enter roller w.w.w.s.s get out east get orb west southeast south east east get featureless rod,spindle put featureless rod in coffin wave spindle put it in coffin get eight,bean pole wave eight put it in coffin wave bean pole put it in coffin close lid open lid close lid open lid close lid open lid close lid open lid get all from coffin west west north northwest east east mosaic, lagach mural, lagach still life, lagach north remove cloak turn it wear cloak northeast northeast north north remove cloak wear sash north northeast east south anoppe put astrolabe in mounting look through astrolabe get hand down down west [ Repeatedly "put skull on statue.turn it" until it works ] [ Repeatedly "put hand on statue.turn it" until it works ] put heart in statue get rod of fire,rod of ice strike rod of fire point it at knight point east east point east east give rose to knight show keepsake to knight point west west knight, open flagstone point down strike rod of ice point it at rod of life get rod of life again south south down northwest west west southeast south south enter dumb waiter pull ropes again out west unlock door with wrought iron key open door northwest polish orb get rod of sacrifice strike it point sacrifice at board get rods from sack put rods in socket get rods from sack put rods in socket get rods from sack put rods in socket get orb put it in opening strike rod of infinity point it at lemniscus west down swing rope get daisy wear it up east get torch northeast east south south east wear sandals west south north west open cover put torch in well down east z.z.z.z z.z.z.z west up z.z.z.z get pole east get stone wave pole strike it point it at me read poetry east down wave stone give note to man say carte up west west west say time get torch southeast east enter dumb waiter pull ropes again out west south down -----------------------------------------------------------------------------