------------------------------------------------------------------------ JIGSAW by Graham Nelson Solution and Walkthrough Gareth Rees, July 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROLOGUE: CENTURY PARK ---------------------- The prologue to "Jigsaw", like the prologue to "Adventure", is a matter of collecting equipment and finding your way into the rest of the game. But it's not just an object-finding exercise, it's a matter of collecting the major themes of the game: is it the end of the twentieth century, and the game will explore the whole of twentieth-century history; there are fifteen minutes to go before midnight, and each remaining minute corresponds to one of the fifteen remaining episodes in the game; and you get to see the traces left by Grad Kaldecki and the stranger in black (who you will be trailing after for the rest of the game). But enough fore-shadowing, on with the game. First is a light source... east get sparkler south ... and a clue to a hidden location behind the tent. west get jigsaw piece southeast get rucksack examine crate get key,device examine rucksack examine key examine device The description of the rucksack is an allusion to "Curses", hinting that the protagonist of "Jigsaw" is the same as the Meldrew heir in Graham's earlier game (though nothing else is made of this hint). The significance of marking "A.4" will become apparent later. It is not a coincidence that the reading "99" on the curious device is the same as the last two digits of the current year. The inscription "tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis" means "times change, and we change with the times". northwest northeast east examine statue Grad Kaldecki's motto "felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" means "happy is he who is able to know the cause of things. Ironic, because one of the morals of "Jigsaw" is that causes are very uncertain things indeed. east open stool get sketch book look under stool get pencil west west sketch nightjar The significance of the sketchbook won't become apparent until the very end of the game. But for now, all you need to know is that sketching animals is a useful thing to do. southwest west up light fuse down enter pyramid south examine case open case Leave the case for later. You appear to be trapped inside the pyramid, so let's hope you've done everything from the prologue. east look under table get jigsaw piece examine it examine table clean table examine board Now some of the mysteries are reasonably clear: the game is going to involve a jigsaw-piece-collecting exercise, with the end of the game on completion of the jigsaw. The marking "A.4" on the crate suggests that the corner piece goes at location a4 (you may have to "turn corner piece" a few times to get it the right way round), and the pencilled "Southwest?" on the centre piece suggests it goes southwest of the centre, namely at c2 (again, you may have to try it in several orientations before it fits). Luckily, the board itself tells you when a piece fits. Note that the status line has changed; the mysterious numbers are your score, the number of jigsaw pieces successfully entered into the board, and the number of turns so far. [put corner piece at a4] [put centre piece at c2] get clock turn hand to 59 The pyramid and jigsaw turn out to be a baroque time machine, and the clock is the device for controlling it. You are advised to experiment for yourself, but in summary: turning the clock's hand lights up the board; if the alarm is on and the clock reaches 0, then you are transported back to the pyramid from whatever time zone you are in. So, off you go: press a4 press c2 CHAPTER 1: RICOCHET ------------------- examine device examine street examine cafe It's June 1914, and you're in Sarajevo. What could be more ominous? And then Black enters. Black is a strange character, partly villain, and partly love-interest. You'll find as you progress, that you are doomed to trail around history in Black's wake, fixing the problems left behind. But you had better be polite to start with. shake hands examine black z.z say no to black unlock dresser with key open dresser get jigsaw piece from dresser sketch horses ask black about sarajevo ask black about kaldecki ask black about archduke examine rifle turn safety off ask black about pyramid examine student z.z.z.z.z Black's plan is to assassinate the student, thus preventing World War I. Might that not be a good thing? Millions of men died in savage and futile battles in the fields of northern France. But it turns out that you have no choice here: you must preserve the course of your own history, regardless of how bloody, brutal and senseless it is. This attitude to history is a strange one: on the one hand history is so fragile and contingent that the slightest push can topple it into chaos, and on the other, there is only one true version of history that must be preserved at all costs. shoot archduke z.z.z.z.z The deed is done, history is safe, and you have a plot and some clues. Black intends to improve history; you know however that this cannot work. When a crisis in history has been resolved, a "cloud of disturbed air" appears, and with the aid of the curious device it is possible to condense this cloud into a time window (the black sphere) and enter a mysterious realm called "the Land". But without the device, you cannot go there yet, and must resort to the clock. turn clock to 1 wait examine disc northwest get curious device [put the edge piece at c1] turn clock off turn clock to 59 press c1 CHAPTER 2: ICY CALM ------------------- get times, note read times read note southwest north You turned the clock off because you'll be spending more than an hour in this time zone. The note is addressed to "White", which must be you (the good one, as opposed to the villain Black). Where are you? It is 1912, you are on an ocean liner, the notepaper is "White Star Line", and you have just collided with an iceberg. Could it be that you are on board the H.M.S. Titanic? south east up read notice west get jacket wear jacket east down west south west north open box get syrup west The Titanic appears to be sinking as expected, despite the calm of the passengers and crew. How could the course of history be affected? If you wait near Benjamin Guggenheim (disguised as an officer), you will eventually receive a secret letter to deliver. But of course, you'll be leaving the ship by time-travel, not by lifeboats, so you'd better find someone to act as courier for you. [repeatedly wait until Guggenheim gives you the letter] examine secret letter west examine ouija board say hello to miss shutes give secret letter to miss shutes look get jigsaw piece The jigsaw piece must be very big to have passed as a ouija board! The clue here is that anything square and coloured white or grey is probably a jigsaw piece, so you had better be on the lookout. Now you need to find your way into Black's cabin: east east up move chairs get boy's book read boy's book again get door key down south east north east remove jacket east say hello to captain smith ask captain smith about titanic ask captain smith about lifeboats unlock door with door key open door east get long barrelled key look under wardrobe read second note examine kaldecki detector spin it The Kaldecki detector is a device that detects jigsaw pieces; it rings the bell when you haven't found all the jigsaw pieces in the time zone. Luckily, the missing piece is close at hand: open window get jigsaw piece spin kaldecki detector So there are no more to find here. What about that towel you saw the stewardess take away, the one with all the mathematics on it? west stewardess, give me the towel examine towel The towel tells you when and where the time window will open. Remember this information. Now you must make sure that the secret letter gets to safety by ensuring that the S.S. Carpathia is around to pick up the lifeboats. Recall from reading the "Boy's Book of the Sea" that the distress prosign is CQD (actually, by the voyage of the Titanic, the International Maritime Convention had agreed on the new prosign SOS - but the radio operator on the Titanic sent both). west up unlock door with long key open door wear jacket east examine charts dah.dit.dah.dit dah.dah.dit.dah dah.dit.dit You have now saved history from disaster. If you want to visit the Land now, then go to the place written on the towel, wait for the right time (just before the ship sinks) and activate the curious device. However, there'll be plenty of time to visit the Land later in the game, so you can escape using the clock instead: turn clock on turn clock to 1 wait northwest [put the edge piece at b1] [put the corner piece at a1] turn clock off turn clock to 59 press a1 CHAPTER 3: AND ONE PERCENT LUCK ------------------------------- Actually, there's no particular reason to choose A1 rather than B1; Jigsaw has few dependencies between its time zones, so you have a lot of freedom about which order to visit them in. This solution chooses one ordering; there's no reason why you shouldn't choose a different one. It's a good idea to spin the Kaldecki detector at the start of a time zone to see if you need to search for jigsaw pieces, and to spin it after you pick up each jigsaw piece to see if there are any more. examine device spin kaldecki detector open upper door open lower door down sketch mice north examine bell jar look under bell jar read typed note It's 1928, and Alexander Fleming is about to discover penicillin. With your help, that is. south east up get certificate get jigsaw piece spin kaldecki detector search dishes get mouldy dish Fleming should have come in by now and deposited his suitcase (if not, wait a bit). He doesn't appear to be a very observant man, as he's missed both you, and the mouldy petri dish. How to bring it to his attention? He would notice something as large as a suitcase in the wrong place: examine suitcase push suitcase east put dish on suitcase [wait until Fleming finds the mouldy dish] [wait until the disturbed air appears] press white button enter black ball z.z And now you're in the Land. The Land is a four-by-four grid of locations, each one corresponding to a square on the jigsaw board. The locations covered in thick mist correspond to the jigsaw pieces that you haven't placed in the board yet. There's nothing much to do here at the moment, though it's mostly harmless to explore (but if you go southeast, then east three times, you'll regret it). southeast southeast northwest [put centre piece at c3] turn clock to 59 press b1 CHAPTER 4: TEMPS PERDU ---------------------- examine device spin kaldecki detector south get coin north north get figaro read le figaro north It's 1922; Proust is soon to die in Paris, and the manuscript of "A la Recherche de Temps Perdu", one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century, is almost finished. (If Proust was searching for his lost time, what are you and Black searching for?) Now you are lost in a maze, but fear not! it isn't difficult. Wait for a while, and you'll see various authentic Parisian characters go past. Which way are they all going? [follow the Parisiens until you find the absinthe] get absinthe drink absinthe dance south south get coin north open door east enter lift give coin to boy boy, u.u.u.u boy, u.u.u.u get centre piece spin kaldecki detector boy, d.d.d get out east read invitation get madeleine eat madeleine get tea tray get edge piece spin kaldecki detector A crucial passage of "A la Recherche" has escaped; clearly you must find it or else history will be wrecked for lack of it. (Perhaps not every reader of Jigsaw will have quite such a high regard for Proust's novel as Mr Nelson clearly has.) west enter lift boy, down get out west south west get paperole drink tea put madeleine in tea eat madeleine swing pendulum get paperole drink tea east north east enter lift boy, up get out east drop paperole History is safe, yet again. Note that here is wasn't Black who interfered, but you, because you were desperate to collect all the jigsaw pieces. wait press white button enter black ball z.z east southeast northwest [put the edge piece at b4] [put the centre piece at b2] turn clock to 59 press c3 CHAPTER 5: NO COMPROMISE ------------------------ examine device spin kaldecki detector get pravda read pravda It is April 1917. The Russian Revolution is in full swing, Lenin is on his way to Moscow, and Black plans to delay or stop him. Once again, the right thing to do is debatable. Stalin killed or exiled millions of his countrymen; might it not have been better if the Revolution had been stopped, or diverted? But you have little choice in the matter. east get british army uniform examine trunk open trunk search trunk west unlock door with little key open door No doubt the tied-up British officer is the work of Black. You shouldn't wear the British army uniform quite yet, because the soldiers won't talk to you when you're wearing it. Now a couple of get-x-give-x puzzles follow: west examine man search man east south get pashka ask soldiers about pashka get pashka ask soldiers about lenin ask soldiers about russia ask soldiers about train north remove sixth officers jacket wear british army uniform north examine lenin northeast get blank paper give pashka to mischa get blank paper southwest give blank paper to lenin The signed chit give you permission to use the smoking compartment and have a cigarette. northwest z.z.z.z.z z.z.z.z.z get tray You have a jigsaw piece. But it's not so easy to keep it, because if you leave the smoking compartment carrying it, the angry passengers relieve you of it (even if you hide it in your backpack). You could of course escape using the clock, but it's cleverer to find another way of disposing of it - which incidentally reveals Black's dastardly plan - and the "lack of ventilation" is a clue. look under bed open grille put jigsaw piece in grille south northeast north get jigsaw piece spin kaldecki detector get bomb examine bomb The bomb is clearly the work of Black, but it's not clear in what way history was supposed to have been changed. But still, it's easy to save Lenin: throw bomb from train south remove british army uniform z press white button enter ball z.z northwest northwest [put the edge piece at a2] turn clock to 59 press a2 CHAPTER 6: WISH YOU WERE HERE ----------------------------- examine device spin kaldecki detector examine window look through window examine young men It is August 1967 and the Beatles are having trouble with their latest album. Black intends to ruin the fabric of the British musical industry by planting 1970s progressive rock tunes into the fertile soil of psychedelic rock-and-roll. Since violence is not an option, there is clearly only one way of stopping up Black's mouth: kiss black z.z.z press white button enter ball z.z south southeast northwest turn clock to 59 press b4 CHAPTER 7: IN THE WILDERNESS ---------------------------- wait examine device spin kaldecki detector It's 1975 and we're somewhere in North America: probably Canada or Alaska. It's in such wildernesses as this that the USA keeps its nuclear deterrent, pointed across the north pole at the cities and military bases of the Soviet Union. Black's clearly been up to no good, but whatever cunning plans were hatched have gone wrong. Perhaps you can right them? examine snow goose sketch snow goose east The snow goose isn't the only wild animal around here. If you wander around in the forest, then eventually a snow leopard will stalk up to you, and wait around while you draw its portrait (but they don't have snow leopards in Canada...). [find the snow leopard] sketch snow leopard [find the Tundra again] up get cable down west examine nest The nest is clearly another jigsaw piece. To get it you need to use the cable, but you also need to distract the snow goose. southwest get broom get seed northeast east drop seed west throw cable at nest pull cable pull cable get jigsaw piece spin kaldecki detector east up get cable down down brush snow look tie cable to ring down examine missile open hatch enter missile The moral of this episode seems to be that fooling around in time can create crises where there were none to start with. Is this your fault, or Black's? But you have a quest to find the jigsaw pieces, so you have no choice but the create the crisis and then avert it: press green button press blue button out get jigsaw piece up z.z.z.z z.z.z press white button enter ball z.z west southwest northwest [put corner piece at d4] [put edge piece at c4] turn clock to 59 press b2 CHAPTER 8: 59 SECONDS, 852 FEET ------------------------------- examine device spin kaldecki detector get paper dart open paper dart read herald east wait wait get bottle west west examine flyer examine crowd examine dog sketch dog In 1903 the Wright brothers made the first powered heavier-than-air flight. It seems as though Black has decided not to interfere here, but you still need to help the brothers along a bit, because the aileron from the "Flyer" is another jigsaw piece, and they're hardly likely to let you just walk off with a piece of their plane, unless the flight were a success and they'd all run off to town to telegraph the news. east get anemometer get corn bread in get mandolin play mandolin again again again out north examine anemometer again again again again again The wind speed in Dune Valley varies in a cycle of five turns, and the brothers try out the flyer once every five turns. Unfortunately, the two cycles are synchronised so that the brothers launch just one turn too late to get the strongest headwind. If only you could delay them for three turns, they'd have a chance. Luckily Orville is fond of music, so wait until Orville has landed here (now, for example, if you're following the walkthrough exactly), and then: play mandolin again again z.z.z.z.z north examine flyer get aileron spin kaldecki detector up in examine heater get lid The second jigsaw piece is the lid of the heater, but it's not easy to get. If you could put out the fire, perhaps the lid would cool, so maybe there's a way to stop up the air holes. put corn bread in air holes Well, it almost worked. Perhaps you can deal with the mouse. east put bread in trap [wait until the mouse pauses, inspecting the trap] sketch mouse But the mouse is quite capable of avoiding the trap. But you can prevent the mouse from entering the kitchen by finding the evil-smelling mosquito powder in the attic: west up get book read it get cap get box examine box down shake box get corn bread put corn bread in holes get jigsaw piece west west press white button enter ball z.z southeast northwest [put the edge piece at d3] [put the centre piece at b3] turn clock to 59 press c4 CHAPTER 9: THE HIGH POINT ------------------------- examine device spin kaldecki detector Now the rules have been changed. Black is not interfering with an event from the history you know, but from some other history. How can this be? Perhaps Black is from some alternate present. Might it be conceivable that Black's present is a disaster, and that Black's clumsy muddlings in history are an attempt to produce something better? This would give Black a more honourable motive than seems plausible from what has happened so far, but on the other hand it's very hard indeed to believe that our own present is the best of all possible worlds. get rukl read rukl examine black look up littrow valley in rukl Black has mixed up the coordinates for Littrow Valley, so you had better make sure that Black sees the correct ones. give rukl to black ask black about astronauts ask black about disaster ask black about othello z.z.z down enter rover turn joystick on southeast get gnomon examine gnomon As well as being used by astronaut Schmitt, the pun is of course also a reference to Infocom's game "Trinity" (though that was a different kind of gnomon). northwest north north get green clod examine green clod north examine challenger read plaque north get foil east climb boulder examine pod open pod press button The pod has three buttons; coincidentally the gnomon has three legs. open pod with gnomon get waldo examine waldo The word "Waldo" to refer to a teleoperated device comes from the Robert Heinlein novel of that name, about a severely physically handicapped genius who attempted to rule the world by remote control. Waldo was also the name of one of the teleoperated robots in the Infocom game "Suspended". get checklist read checklist southwest enter rover west south west get out examine reactor examine cable pull cable open reactor examine rod You can't take the fuel rod without dying from radiation poisoning (and no doubt giving the Apollo 17 astronauts a shock when they find your body). But you can make it a bit less likely to break by bandaging it: wrap rod with foil drop all get rod put rod in reactor drop rod get all except rod No doubt you will suffer nasty cancer of the hands in later life from handling the plutonium rod, but for now you don't seem to be suffering radiation poisoning. However, you can't hold the rod and open the door at the same time, so you need some help. Luckily Waldo can come to the rescue. The puzzles involving Waldo are great fun, and you would do well to experiment with the robot before coming back to the solution. You need to be in the "Othello" to program it; simply "type x y", where "x" is a command (rturn, lturn, forward, sample) and "y" is the number of times the actions should be repeated. However, it's a bad idea to solve the reactor puzzle straight away, because when you do that, the time crisis will be resolved, and Black will steal your spacesuit, leaving you unable to find the jigsaw piece. So you should find the jigsaw piece first, and then come back to the reactor. enter rover west southwest get out southwest examine astronauts examine rover The Apollo 17 rover's fender is a jigsaw piece, but you can't approach it without revealing yourself to the astronauts. Perhaps it's possible to distract them; since they're looking for interesting geological samples, perhaps they would appreciate the green clod? throw green clod at astronauts Since sound does not travel in vacuum, the astronauts don't hear the thud of the rock landing. But you still can't approach the rover. However, Waldo is smaller than the crater rim, so if you can program Waldo to walk round the crater, get the piece (using its sampling arm) and return, you could get away without alerting the astronauts to your presence. northeast enter rover northeast east east south south south get out up type forward 2 type rturn 2 type forward 2 type sample 1 type rturn 4 type forward 2 type lturn 2 type forward 2 down enter rover north north north west west southwest get out southwest look drop waldo Waldo needs to be facing south for this program to work, so: turn waldo again again again press pink button z.z.z.z z.z.z.z z.z.z.z z.z.z.z.z get jigsaw piece Now its safe to go back and solve the reactor puzzle. First you need to re-program Waldo: get waldo northeast enter rover northeast east east south south south get out up type clear type forward 2 down enter rover north north north west get out drop all attach cable to waldo examine waldo press pink button get rod put rod in reactor unplug cable Oops. Now Waldo appears to be stuck: you can't pull out the cable without slamming the reactor door. But Waldo is still programmed, so you simply turn it round and set it going again. turn waldo again again again press button wait unplug cable get all enter rover east south south south get out up z.z.z press white button It might be interesting at this point to look up all the places you have been in the lunar atlas. The atlas understands: Bear Mountain, Emory Crater, Horatio Crater, Lara Crater, Mare Serenitas, North Massif, Sculptured Hills, Shorty Crater, South Massif, Taurus-Littrow Valley, Tortilla Flats, Tycho Crater, Velikovsky Crater, Victory Crater, Vitruvius Mountain, and Wessex Cleft. enter ball z.z west northwest northwest [put edge piece at a3] turn clock to 59 press b3 CHAPTER 10: THE GHOST OF THE B-29 --------------------------------- You're on board a B-29 bomber, flying over the north Pacific ocean. Somehow, the left engine has become damaged (perhaps the bomber was fired upon, or perhaps it was just an accidental engine failure). The crew have parachuted out, and taken all the parachutes with them. Your only hope is to land the plane, but you don't have enough fuel to make it back to the USA, and will have to attempt a landing on Soviet soil. This puzzle is difficult. If you've failed to solve it so far, and need some help, read the following. The last two indicators on the status line of the cockpit are the plane's bearing in degrees (clockwise from north) and its position (x,y). The buttons which you can use are AUT/P (autopilot), CUTENG/L (turn off the left engine), CUTENG/R (turn off the right engine), LOWER/U (lower the undercarriage) and REL/B (open the bomb bay doors). If you need more fuel, then you should cut the left engine, go to the west side bomb bays, and press the RES/F (reserve fuel) button. You can do this as often as you need to. The radio in the navigators chair is picking up a signal from a Russian base. The radio has a three-figure display, showing the bearing of the plane from the base; you should head in the direction 180 degrees from this bearing. Finally, if you clean the pinup of Diana Durbin, you'll find a secret message. If that doesn't help, try heading for the position (1945,1970); an error of +-100 is acceptable. Finally, if even the above doesn't help, here's an example walkthrough: north push throttle turn aut/p on z.z.z.z z.z.z.z z.z.z.z z.z.z.z press cuteng/l south southwest west press res/f east northeast north turn aut/p off pull throttle pull throttle turn aut/p on push column right z.z.z.z z.z.z.z z.z.z push column again again again again again again z.z.z.z z.z.z.z z.z.z press lower/u land You've landed the B-29, but the crisis isn't over; you've merely arrived in the right place. Black has been double-dealing with the Soviets and the Americans, for the usual convoluted reasons. You must make sure that Black and all other traces of the future are removed before the Soviets get their hands on them. You will notice (if you type `out') that you won't be able to get back into the plane if you get out. So first, you need to get the heavy safe out of the plane so you can deal with it on the ground. put all in sack drop sack south southwest examine locker get safe west drop safe east northeast north get sack press rel/b Now you can leave the plane. But you must be quick, the Soviet army will arrive soon and take you prisoner. out again east examine chute The gadget is a magical device for opening locked boxes of any kind. The "RZ-ROV" appellation is a reference to the "rezrov" spell in Infocom's game "Enchanter" (and sequels) which had much the same effect. west put gadget on safe open safe get beige folder examine beige folder examine safe get shelf put all in sack Now you're in captivity, and Black has clearly been interrogated under sedation. What can he have told his captors? You must hope that they don't believe him. black, hello z.z.z.z.z north get sack south press white button put drugged body of black in ball get beige folder get gadget enter ball z.z southwest northwest [put jigsaw piece at d2] Now you only have one jigsaw piece missing, and it's time to remember the glass case in the entrance to the pyramid. You couldn't open it earlier, but now you have the RZ-ROV gadget. west put gadget on case get gadget examine case get jigsaw piece east [put jigsaw piece at d1] turn clock to 59 press d3 CHAPTER 11: BANBURISMUS ----------------------- examine soldiers The rules have been changed yet again. Now you are in the past in a ghostly form, unable to do anything except move around, examine things, and (taking advantage of your incorporeality) jump, and fly. The information to be gained here is quite important, so remember everything you see here, especially the first two numbers on the paper (call these numbers X and Y). in examine black examine paper examine typewriter examine wardrobe jump fly out fly northwest examine d3 You'll notice that the picture on the jigsaw piece has changed, so perhaps you aren't finished with this time zone. turn clock to 59 press d3 examine device east get cloth cap wear cloth cap look through window sketch mallard west north corporal, poacher It's 1941, and Black's plan this time is to be a British agent, spying on Germany for the British and sending messages in the Enigma cipher. Knowing Black, the messages will give misinformation of some sort. If you (a suspected German spy) can decode Black's message, the people at Bletchley Park will think that Black is actually a double agent, and proceed to disbelieve Black's misinformation. So all you have to do is to decode Black's message. Before you go to the walkthrough below, think for a moment of Turing and Newman and the other Bletchley Park cryptographers. When they were stuck, they couldn't go to a walkthrough. They didn't have information magically obtained by a ghost. And if they failed, worse things were at stake than merely failing to win an adventure game! If you're really stuck, then try the following: read intercept examine crate open crate again get enigma examine enigma get wheel ii get wheel iv get wheel v put wheel ii in enigma put wheel iv in enigma put wheel v in enigma unstecker stecker a to g stecker w to c stecker v to t stecker u to j stecker y to r turn machine off Why all the above? You know that Black must have been using code wheels II, IV and V because wheels I and III were on top of the wardrobe. You know five of the steckerboard connections because they were written on the torn scrap of paper. You also know that there are two more connections to make (the remaining three wires could be seen dangling from Black's machine). The machine has two modes (on and off), each of which decodes messages encoded by the other. State on is typically used for encoding and off for decoding. How to decrypt? You know the settings for wheels II and IV (they were on the torn scrap of paper) and there are only ten settings for wheel V. Try all ten possibilities. Because there are only two stecker connections missing, you expect that about 8/26 letters will be wrong (this is because each letter has two opportunities to be transformed by the steckerboard, and there are four letters involved in the unknown connections). Look for output that might consist of English words if about a third of the letters were changed. Try to guess some of the wrong letters, and see if you can make stecker connections that correct these letters. If you couldn't work this out on your own, then here's a walkthrough: stecker d to f stecker x to p Then try the following with Z one of 6, 18, 5, 4, 21, 23, 14, 2, 8 or 17, until you get it right. set ii to X set iv to Y set v to Z type intercept Well done if you solved it on your own, shame if you had to resort to the walkthrough! z.z.z press white button enter black ball z.z north northwest northwest turn clock to 59 press a3 CHAPTER 12: OLD CARTRIDGE CASES -------------------------------- examine device It's 1989, the year that the Berlin wall fell. This is the most recent historical episode in "Jigsaw"; presumably (in the author's opinion), nothing world-shatteringly important has happened since then. west north You may have no chance of escaping through no-man's-land, but hares roam there: climb wall southwest sketch hare southeast climb wall north get rope south south south in up get berliner examine berliner get purse open purse get cyrillic key get ostmark note down out east north unlock skoda with cyrillic key open skoda enter skoda turn skoda on south examine blockhouse If you wait, then you'll see Black fail to get in to East Berlin, but you still feel uneasy. Perhaps this is one of those time zones where History needs a helping hand from you. north north [wait for the street cleaner to appear] give ost-mark note to street cleaner look read delivered note Black, for some reason, wants the Berlin wall to stay standing until 1991, but you have other ideas. It's your job to make sure that the people of East Berlin are given the opportunity to express the power of the people. west west south out in examine masonry look under masonry down southwest examine cables Perhaps if the telephone system of East Berlin were brought down, then the police wouldn't be able to react quickly enough to stop a mass demonstration? You can't pull the cables out by hand, but maybe with the awesome power of the Skoda's engine? tie rope to cables up tie rope to skoda northeast up out enter skoda north z.z press white button enter black ball z.z south southwest northwest turn clock to 59 press d4 CHAPTER 13: OUT OF THE EAST --------------------------- examine device get eagle read eagle 1956, the year of the Suez Crisis. Black has brokered (or attempted to broker) some kind of peace deal between the British and the Egyptians. Once again, it falls to you to ensure that war, rather than peace, breaks out. open hotel room door hit hotel room door north examine photo northeast get soap southwest south open shutters If you wait around for a while, then the mosquito bites you and (somewhat improbably) you immediately die of malaria. You could use the mosquito repellent from Kitty Hawk (this is the first dependency between the time zones), but if you catch the mosquito you can sketch it. catch mosquito sketch mosquito drop soap [wait until a grappling iron is thrown up to the window] out down black, hello examine cans examine signed paper get metal strongbox open it show metal box to black put gadget on metal box Black steals the gadget from you if you are observed opening the box with it. open metal box get all from metal box examine passport examine charter You need to destroy the agreement, which turns out not to be a difficult task: examine deck kiss black z.z.z press white button enter black ball z.z northwest northwest northwest turn clock to 59 press d2 CHAPTER 14: CHRISTABEL, MY DEAR ------------------------------- examine device spin kaldecki detector examine bobbies examine suffragettes in black, hello The women's suffrage movement is going strong in 1912 (but women won't get the vote until 1919). Black is up to no good; it looks as though the petrol bomb is intended to be the cause of a great disturbance and to somehow advance the suffrage cause. get poster read poster again southeast sketch nightingale get corn bread put corn bread in fountain sketch nightingale This use of the corn bread - or the Madeleine cake or the Berliner - is the third dependency between the time zones. get newspaper read newspaper southeast examine bobby listen to bobby get handcuffs throw poster at handcuffs get handcuffs northwest northwest handcuff black to railings z.z press white button enter ball z.z north northeast northwest turn clock to 59 press d1 CHAPTER 15: INTO THE DARK ------------------------- examine device Here you are, at the other end of the century. Perhaps at last you will get some answers to all the questions you have by now... north ask gatekeeper about machinery ask him about kaldecki ask him about black ask him about jigsaw ask him about land ask him about me ask him about time east CHAPTER 16: THE LIVING LAND --------------------------- east sketch pterodactyl get rod The black rod with a star on the end is a reference to two early adventure games which used this as a prop, namely Crowther and Woods' "Adventure" and Infocom's "Zork". Various other references to these games will appear as you proceed. northeast wave rod Waving the rod could cause a crystal bridge to appear in both "Adventure" and "Zork". north east get grenade northwest You will need the grenade to destroy Kaldecki's machinery, but unfortunately the pterodactyl thinks that the grenade is an egg. You need to persuade it to relinquish it. [wait until a largish rock knocks you over] get all southwest get oval rock Now the pterodactyl thinks the oval stone is an egg, too. If you wait long enough, it will deposit the grenade in its nest at the top of the tree and take your stone. examine tree push tree [wait until the pterodactyl takes the stone] push tree sketch woodpecker west The rabbit is scared by something in your possession. In "Adventure", there was a bird that was scared by the black rod. Here, the same is true of the rabbit. The rabbit doesn't like the black rod, nor does it like the pictures in the location corresponding to square A2. So you can corner it and force it across the bridge. drop rod east east west south sketch apes sketch rabbit Now the apes have the grenade, and it's hard to persuade them to relinquish it. If you experiment a bit, you'll see that the apes copy everything you do. You could drop an item (and the apes will drop the grenade), but they're faster at picking it up than you. Instead, persuade them to throw it away. throw ticket at rabbit west enter pagoda get cage out east east east sketch spider get grenade Now the spider has the grenade (this is a game of pass-the-parcel). Perhaps the woodpecker can help? west west north catch woodpecker Catching a bird in a cage was a puzzle in "Adventure" (you had to not be carrying the rod, otherwise the bird was scared). Here you have the opposite: the bird is tamed by the rod. west get rod east catch woodpecker east south east open cage get grenade drop grenade The grenade sticks to your hands. But the acid in the polluted river emerging from the pyramid can get rid of the glue. put grenade in river west west pull pin put grenade in river z.z.z.z EPILOGUE -------- You have come full circle. The start of the game saw the end of the twentieth century; now you are back at the beginning. And the significance of the sketch-book finally becomes apparent. northwest toby, hello give sketch book to toby You need to sketch at least four animals before you can get a prize in the drawing competition. southeast east examine cases west black, hello ask black about kaldecki give teddy bear to black If you've been following the script exactly, you will have scored 100 out of 100, giving you the rank of Centurion, and you'll have got 16 out of 16 in the drawing competition.